Fire in her Veins.

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I stood in line with Norrington, Elizabeth, Governor Swann, and my parents, all gathered to watch Jack be executed. Elizabeth was unaware of the plot Will and i had cooked up; but for god's sakes i hope she followed along. Will walked up as the reader began to list off Jack's numerous crimes.

"Commodore, Governor, Mr. and Mrs. Adams, Felicity." he paused, looking at each of us in turn. "Elizabeth. There's something that I've wanted to say to you since i first met you." he looked her in the eyes. "I love you. He held his hand out to me.

"Felicity?" i smiled, walking down to take his arm.

"Felicity Arahma Adams, you get back here! I am your mother and you must listen to Me." i scoffed, pulling the neckline of my dress down.

"I HAVE to listen to you? I won't listen to anyone who has disrespected me enough to beat me every day for fifteen years. C'mon, William." i turned, and as Will and i parted through the crowd, i lifted my skirts over my head, revealing my dark clothes. I threw the long sleeved dress off, reveling in the freedom. My sword was secure in its sheath, now black instead of its original silver, with intricate silver designs with rubies set in. the pommel was now made of onyx, and the silver blade was less shiny then it had once been. The only source of color was my hair, shining a brilliant, vivid red orange. My mother continued to screech at me as we made our way to the front of the crowd. Jack's eyes immediately caught my own, his mouth dropping open. As the trap door opened beneath him, i took careful aim, throwing my spare sword under jack's feet to keep him upright.

"Nice hit. You know what to do, GO!" i didn't need to be told twice, i raced over to jack and cut the rope cleanly in two. He leaped off of the sword, yanking it out as he took my hand.

"Thank you, darling."

"You owe me." i said, grabbing will. We ran as fast as we could, up towards the fort area where Elizabeth had fallen to the depths before jack had kidnapped me the first time. I was running out in front, watching our fronts. The others took care of the rear. Eventually, we were cornered by the royal navy. My parents, Norrington, and the Swanns were there as well. My mother's eyes were almost on fire, she looked so angry.

Well, at least i know where i get it from.

"Felicity Adams! Get over here!" i winced, but walked over. She grabbed my wrist, squeezing so hard i knew there would be marks, and her other hand contacted with the side of my face. I gasped; that was the hardest she'd ever hit me. I staggered, and Commodore Norrington caught me before i fell.

"Arrest her1' he shouted, motioning to my mum. "I'm sorry, felicity." i nodded, and Norrington focused his attention to will.

"I thought we might have to endure an ill-conceived escape attempt, but not from you, Mr. Turner. And not from you, either, Miss Adams. Why, this man has tried to kill you, he kidnapped you twice, and influenced you enough to start dressing in men's clothes. What do you have to say for yourselves?"

"Upon our return to port royal-" Weatherby said, speaking now exclusively to Will. "I granted you clemency, and this is how you thank me? By throwing your lot in with his? He's a pirate!"

Fire in her Blood (Pirates of the Caribbean) *UNDERGOING EDITING* FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now