Chapter Six

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Feyre looked at Rhys, and then looked back towards her son, who had decided to wake up. Not wanting to say anything out loud, at risk of being overheard she spoke through their bond.

We need to talk, privately.

She didn't look towards him, not wanting to make it obvious, and went to go find something to give to Nyx so he could keep entertained, as she worked on some breakfast for him.

House of Wind? Since everyone's already here?

Feyre had to fight to keep her face neutral as Rhys had suggested they go to talk at the House of Wind. Once, she wouldn't have minded, but now...

I'm not to sure I trust the House of Wind, since you gifted it to Nesta and Cassian as a Mating gift. I don't even think I trust our room there.

Feyre explained, trying to stay neutral, so no one knew they were discussing meeting somewhere. "Nyx, are you hungry? Do you want some breakfast?" She asked, as she picked up her young son. He was really getting big, she couldn't believe he would almost be two soon.

Fair point. How about-

Before you finish that suggestion, I don't feel comfortable with going to the Town House while Elain is here, after last night. Why don't we go to your manor above the Court of Nightmares. It gives is the privacy to talk, and no one will guess where we are. We need to talk.

Feyre could feel the hesitation on Rhys's end, feel as if he were about to say no, that it were too dangerous, when she added on.

Are you just scared that I'll throw another shoe at you? If that's the case, I won't wear any heals, less chance of hurting you.

*** ***

It wasn't hard to find someone willing to watch Nyx for the day. In the end, Mor freely volunteered. Given that she spent most of her time on the Continent trying to get a treaty signed, she tried to spend as much time with Nyx and Emorie as she could while she was home.

So, when they finally got to the large manor above the Court of Nightmares, Feyre closed her eyes, before taking a calming breath.

"We need to tell Lucien, the truth, about Helion." She said, before turning to look at Rhys.

Her mate had only lifted his eyebrows, shocked. "Why do we need to tell him, now?"

Feyre went on to explain. "Because Elain decided to come get answers about last nights dinner, in the middle of the night, because she thought it was the middle of the day. The brightest day she'd ever remembered. As she was walking to our house, the sun kept getting brighter and brighter, until it became too hard to see. When she hears a familiar voice that resonated in her soul, the sun became nearly blinding."

"Even so, it should be Luciens mother telling him the truth, and not us, don't you think?" Rhys asked, looking down at Feyre.

"I guess that explains the urgent invitation at dawn you extended for me privately Lady Archeron? When you came for me?" A ladies voice sounded through the room, as the Lady of Autumn stepped through the door.

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