Chapter Seven

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Elain had left the room that was hers at Feyre's house, wondering where her sister was. She still needed to talk to her. A part of Elain, a very small part, knew she might be overreacting, but she just wanted to know what was going on. Not even a heads up that he would be here so she would be on alert. She would be surprised like that. She wouldn't be-

Completely distracted, she had walked right into a door, which was not like her, given that she was normally aware of her surroundings. She was normally aware of what was directly right in front of her. But she had walked right into the door. She had turned back around, to walk somewhere else, confused how she had ended up in this area of the house at all when the door opened, and suddenly, everything instantly got much brighter. Not to the point where she couldn't see, but there was a noticeable difference from before she head the door open.

The greeting died on the persons throat, but the person didn't need to speak, for Elain to know exactly who had opened the door, and she stood there, frozen, just as she knew Lucien Vancerra also stood there, hand on the door, frozen as well.

Elain closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, but did not turn back around to face her cauldron given mate as she spoke the first true sentence to him in years.

"I should thank you for bringing me back here last night, and not allowing me to wander blindly. I should also thank you for wanting to respect me to keep your distance and bringing me back here, and then once I was with my sister, you found a way to leave." Elain managed to say, keeping herself together, finding this more difficult than she had thought.

"How did you..?" Elain heard behind her, the question fading off into nothing, though she knew what it was.

"I overheard Feyre explain it to Nesta. She didn't intend for me to hear. Anyway. Thank you. It was far more kind than i deserve. I have been trying to ignore this bond, so it would have made sense if you let me walk blindly around out there last night."

"I think you are missing someth-" Lucien had started to say, before Elain interrupted him.

"I need to go. Again, thank you for last night." Elain says, and it took everything in her to keep her pace a normal walk, as she left him, standing in his doorway, standing there, looking confused, hurt, frustrated. If only Elain knew. If only Elain looked back once during that conversation or as she walked away to see the pain and longing.

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