Chapter Eight

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Lucien stood there, frozen in the doorway of the room designated for him, during his stay, not knowing if he should go back to the room and lock himself in his room, or follow after Elain. His mate.

She had spoken to him. Actually held a conversation with him. Yes it may have been an incredibly short one, but it was still a conversation. A coherent conversation. No she wouldn't nt turn around and kept her back to him, but she spoke to him more than he could think of words to say back to her.

And she had acknowledged their bond.

The mother and the cauldron must have finally decided to end his suffering.

And then she walked away.

She walked away, and she didn't look back at him once, she didn't wait for him to say anything, and she didn't, genuinely seem thankful that he had helped her back last night. Part of his heart broke at that, but the fact that she was speaking to him, the fact that he was speaking to him after years, and years, and years of the barest of minimum interactions she could get away with, the pain he felt, it was overshadowed with the shine of the uncontrolled joy that she had actually interacted with him.

He wanted more. He needed more. How could he get more interaction from her? At this point, he'd take anything. Even if she got angry with him, he just needed her to interact with him more, just to fill the ever growing empty void in his soul. If she were angry with him perhaps she would shout at him, and she would-

No. No, this isn't the way to do things. Lucien shook his head, he needed to stop. He felt as if he were slowly going mad, and if Elain weren't being so selfish with this stupid bond, maybe she would realize she weren't the only one suffering with it. Sure they may both be in clear heads while in each other's presence, but the moment she walked away from him as of recent, his mind had been going places he hadn't thought of at first.

He was going to have to talk to Elain, he would send her an invitation, detailing its urgency, and let her decide if she would show. If she did, he would explain exactly what her inactivity with this cauldron damned bond has been doing to him. If she refused to show, he would request Feyre to bring him home, and inform her and Rhysand that he could no longer come back to the Night Court, as it was getting to difficult for him.

He would essentially his future with the Night Court solely in Elains hands. But he would not let her know the weight her choice would carry. He would not let anyone know the weight her choice would carry. He would not let anyone know, because he would not risk anyone trying to manipulate her choice. Even if it might be the only chance she agrees to meet.

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