Chapter Twenty

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It had only taken a week to have the two of them healed. In that week, neither Elain or Lucien were comfortable with the idea of anyone but the healer coming near the rooms they were in. Elain only got really anxious, fearful. But a glance over to Lucien, anytime the healer would enter, Elain would see how Lucien would try to push himself up, despite still being incredibly weak from the lack of eating, and nearly dying.

She knew he was trying to push himself up to try and cover her, keep her safe, but she didn’t fully understand it. She had a feeling it was whatever new was between them, something deep had changed. She couldn’t really explain it, because she didn’t really feel any different, she wasn’t thinking different, but there was something different.

Like when the healer, favoured by the Night Court would come in, and would check on Lucien, after checking on her. The healer would check Luciens bandages on his eye, and make sure he was keeping his food down. Elain didn’t like it. She found that she really did not like the female healer checking in on Lucien. Injured herself though, all she could do, was look away, and try to keep her anger from showing.

with Luciens metal eye having been cut out, and broken, there was nothing in the socket any longer. So the healer had healed the wound, and sealed Luciens eye shut, before placing bandages over his eye, as well as a dark patch, to keep the socket clean, for when they did have a replacement eye to put back. He was also on a controlled diet, to make sure he was getting his nutrients, but not to overload his stomach, after going so long from not eating anything at all. Each day he would eat a little more.

Elains injuries were slightly more complex. It took a bit more work for the healer, as Titus had stood there dragging his bald over her time and again before Lucien had lit up, and then the final time, the worst of her injuries, from the right side of her neck, to just a over her heart, to taunt him. There were many cuts for the healer to heal, and after Lucien had been given the clear, that he was alright to leave, it had still taken a few days before Elain was able to leave.

Lucien had stayed in the room, refusing to leave, until Elain was healed enough to be able to leave herself.

After Elain was able to move with little pain, and was okay to leave, was when she saw her sister. It was the first time anyone came by after they had gotten back.

Elain moved as quickly as she could, before she felt pain bloom in her chest, and when she reached her Feyre, she carefully pulled her into a hug, unaware of Rhysand also there, until she felt a hand land on her shoulder gently, as if pleased that she was back.

She didn’t hear him, but she felt the shift in him. His anger, his need to protect. Elain could feel Luciens need to keep Elain away from the male who had touched her, and the anger that had come from that, which had just kept building, and building, and building-

“Back down.” Elain was pulled back into her own self again, as she heard Rhys say.

Slowly, Elain pulled back, and took a step away, looking back at Lucien, to see him, looking like a completely different male. Someone she almost didn’t recognize.

Feyre? She reached out, hoping her sister could hear her.

Yes? Elain? Elain heard her sisters answer in her mind.

Relief swept over her, as she briefly, quickly explained, continuing to look at Lucien. I can’t explain it, and couldn’t even begin to try. But something is different. Something changed down there Feyre, inside. It feels different. I had to give him food in order to save his life down there, and yes, I know, and knew what it meant when doing so. But this- this, I don’t- it’s different. I don’t understand why he’s acting like this now. As she was done explaining, Elain looked back at her sister, and saw realization begin to dawn on Feyre’s face.

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