Chapter Nine

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Feyre stood there as Rhys looked at her, trying to conceal the emotions that crossed his face. He was doing a good job, except the fact that she could read them in his eyes, as feel them cross his mind. She knew he wasn’t happy with her. Knew this would cause a rift with Beron, deeper than was already there.

Is this why you’ve kept parts of your mind blank all morning, Feyre Darling? Rhys had asked, silently, clearly frustrated.

Rather than answer him directly though, Feyre turned to Luciens mother, the Lady of the Autumn Court, before answering her.

“It is part of the reason, yes.” Feyre responded, before nodding, and welcomed the lady more into the room. “Would you like to sit, so we can further discuss this?”

Part of the reason? Why else is she here Feyre? Rhys had asked, silently, while, refusing to outwardly show that he had no idea this had happened, and went to offer a seat for the guest of the hour.

Feyre knew Rhys didn’t like being surprised like this, but she didn’t have time to explain this morning. After she had left her sisters, she only had time to winnow to the edge of the Autumn Courts borders, and was lucky enough to be greeted by Eris, and request a meeting with his mother.

She was told she only had so long, so they had to make this quick.

“If that is the case, and I am not sure how you even know about this to begin with, you would know it is far too dangerous to let my son know. Or his true father. If my husband found out, he would certainly go on the warpath. I believe my eldest son has informed you that my husband has been looking for an excuse for a war? To overthrow the courts?”

Rhysand nods. “I am aware, and we do not want another war-”

Feyre had spoke up, interrupting her mate, and speaking directly to the Lady of Autumn.

“We had a deal, with Eris. Therefore, in order to, meet with you, we had to uphold our end of the deal. Eris is dealing with your husband as we speak. You see, as he winnowed back to get you to come meet with me, I winnowed back to get out General Commander, as well as one of our leader of our Valkyrie army, to go back and meet him. If all goes according to plan, the three of them should be meeting us back here shortly, with your son, being the new High Lord of the Autumn Court. Therefore, there would be no danger, coming from your husband, in Lucien learning the truth of who his father is.”

“So let me get this straight.” The Lady of Autumn spoke, and her voice changed, in the way only an angry mothers could. “In order to protect one of my sons from my husband, you sent another one of my sons into danger of my husband? Did I get that right?”

Feyre, you should have talked to me first.

As she sat there, she suddenly didn’t feel very confident of her plan. She suddenly felt incredibly small.

“Now Mother. Is there any way to be angry, when it worked?” A voice called from the hallway.

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