Chapter Eighteen

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Lucien found himself waking up, from a nap, that was, honestly restful and relaxing. He wasn’t sure why. He shouldn’t be waking up feeling rested and relaxed. It wasn’t until he became more conscious that he realized what it was. He had had his head on Elains lap. How had he gotten here. How had this happened.

Slowly trying to push himself off, so as not to startle Elain, he moved away, only to see her watching him in confusion.

“Are you feeling better now?” Elain had asked.

Cauldron, it looked as though she had been crying. “What happened? Why were you crying?” Lucien asked, trying to change the subject, not wanting to answer her question.

“Are you feeling better now?” Elain asked again, more firmly this time.

He was too weak, from hunger to truly put up a fight, or to think of a believable lie. Looking away from her, he simply answered her. “Aside from a genuinely restful nap, no. I’m not. And there’s nothing you can really do that will truly help.”

Elain moved forward a little bit, so the two of them were closer. “Explain what you meant, when you said you wouldn’t force me into unknowingly accepting the mating bond.” By the look on her face, he would assume it was the first time she was acknowledging the bond between them out loud, to anyone, including herself.

“What do you mean?” Lucien asks.

“Exactly what I asked.” Elain answered, looking at him, refusing to back down, showing such a determined air of ignorance it infuriated Lucien.

“Are you serious right now? Are you fucking serious?” Lucien asks, as he could feel his hands start to shake, he clenched them in fists, before crossing his arms. “Do you genuinely hate the idea of a mating bond that much, that you wouldn’t have even dedicated even an hour to it in these past years to at least figure out how to accept it, or that you can reject it? You have two mated sisters for fuck sake Elain! You don’t even have to read a book and become overwhelmed by text that favours mating bonds. Your sisters would explain it in a way that would keep you comfortable!” Lucien snapped, having clearly reached a breaking point with a fight within himself, standing up, and backing up as far away from Elain as possible.

“It can be rejected?” He heard Elain’s whisper.

“Yes!” Lucien shouted his response, before flinching inwards within himself, trying his hardest to keep hold of his composure. “Yes.” He tried again. “At the risk of the male going insane, the female can reject the mating bond. But, seeing as I am clearly, already there, it wouldn’t make any difference, should you reject it.” Lucien explained, refusing to look at Elain, not knowing, or trusting, what would happen, if he did.

“What’s the food have to do with it then?” Elain asked, as though she couldn’t help herself.

“Two well known ways a female shows the male she accepts the bond. The more used one today, the one your sister had, a Mating Ceremony, where the two profess their love in front of their friends. Similar to a human wedding, but different. The old way, less used, but still, extremely effective, and fast working, the female prepares food, and offers it to the male. It is a way of giving back to the male, in return of all the male brings home to the female. It’s an extremely old practice, but still extremely effective.” Lucien explained.

He didn’t see the change in Elains facial expression. He didn’t see how she was realizing that he was starving himself, and driving himself mad, so she wouldn’t blindly walk into an accepted mating bond. He didn’t see any of it, because he still refused to look at her.

“My brother knows exactly what he is doing, giving you food, and not me. He wants to force you into accepting the bond. Whether you know what you’re doing or not.”

Neither one of them had heard as more than one set of footsteps approached, until the cell door was swung open. “Lucien, you bastard, you ruined it. She hadn’t known any of that shit, because no one wanted the clueless bitch to know. Being the emissary under Tamlin for centuries, you formed relationships with the other Courts. You’re also close with the humans. Obviously the Night Court want’s you under their thumb. So they keep the information from your stupid mate that she can reject you, because if she knew that, she clearly would. Who wouldn’t reject you? Even the last bitch was begging as she died. ‘Please please.’ Tamlin doesn’t want you anymore, your pathetic human friends will die in a few decades. This bitch here has done nothing since you met. Even mother wouldn’t even look at you under he mountain.” Titus said, as he moved forward, and grabbed his younger brother.

Lucien was barely aware of what was going on, as his brother was dragging him to the other cell, locking Elain up again, making sure she had full view of what he was about to do. “Make sure the bitch watches everything.”

Aware of that sentence, Lucien tried to fight back, against his brother, who hadn’t been starving himself. Against his brother who had access to his magic. Against his brother who was so much older. Against his brother who hadn’t gone mad from an incomplete mating bond.

“I always hated this metal eye.” Lucien heard his brother say, and then felt the unbearable pain as his brother started carving through his flesh, before digging the eye out. He’d have cried out in pain, but at this point, he was too weak, too far gone. He then heard the sound of metal crunching.

“It’s a shame no one want’s you around.”

Lucien could feel his consciousness slipping. He could feel himself falling away. He had almost let go, until he had heard a voice, a beautiful, heavenly voice.

“I do.”

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