Chapter Fifteen

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Elain sat there, freezing. It had been two days, and the only thing that had happened was she had been dragged into the other cell. Into the cell where Lucien was.

She assumed it had been because they had barely interacted, and perhaps whichever one of Luciens brothers found that an odd curiosity. It was clear his brother knew of the bond between Lucien and Elain, that was the sole reason Elain was given for her being here after all but beyond that, he seemed to know very little.

It had taken another day of the forced proximity before Elain needed to say something. She had to let Lucien know that she had shown up to the restaurant.

As if knowing she was about to speak, Lucien shook his head, before looking in different corners, as well as a place in the bright marble floor.

“She won’t hear you by the way.” Lucien whispered.

Elain looked over at him, confused at hid comments.

“Your sister. Rhys. They won’t hear you. Or me. We’re in my father’s hidden dungeons. Tightly magically warded against anyone with your sisters magic. Same as anyone with Azriels power. No one will be able to find us here.”

Elain sat there, looking over to the male she had adamantly pushed away and kept at arms distance for years. The waves of fear though coming from him, were strong enough that she could feel them coming down the bond that had been stretched to its very limit. It was an odd sensation, as she had never felt any of his emotions before. His fear must be incredibly strong.

“Lu-” She had started, but was interrupted.

“He’s probably remembering his first time down here.” Elain heard, causing her to jump to her feet, turning to see who it was. It was the same brother of Luciens who had dragged her here in the first place.

“Tenth birthday. That’s how old we all were when our father decided we were old enough to see what a proper Hogh Lord does.” Luciens brother then looked over to Lucien, as he continued speaking. “To start learning. The rest of us were well into maturity when little Lucien came along, and didn’t know why he needed to be here.”

A cruel smile formed on the males face as if he knew his next words would cause a painful memory for his younger brother. “It’s because the magic chooses the next High Lord. So all his sons needed to learn the proper ways, including the runt. Just incase our fathers magic fucked up, so severely, and chose the runt, to be the next High Lord, when our Father dies. Which, by the way,” the male added, sliding his eyes over to Elain, a cruel, vengeful anger filling them. “Happened. Last week. I want to know why.”

The male who was Luciens brother took a step towards them, causing Elain to take a step back.

Within seconds, Lucien had pushed himself up from his crumpled position on the floor, and stood between the bars, and Elain. This caused Elain to look at Lucien, confused. He was injured, he shouldn’t be moving. Besides, there were-

A dark chuckle brought her out of her thoughts.

“So you do remember what happens here. Wait!” The male says, holding up a finger. “How could you forget. You participated in it. Enjoyed it even.” A dark joy, dancing in the eyes that were so like Luciens, yet not the same at all.

A glance at Lucien, Elain saw him stiffen.

“Enjoyed it from the first one, shoving the ash arrow into the males heart at the age of ten, until you met that bitch. What was her name again? Jessamine? Jezzabelle?” And with a smirk that showed he knew exactly what he was doing, Luciens brother continued, getting the reaction he had wanted. “Jesminda”

Elain watched as Lucien, angry now, mixed with fear, ignoring his pain, pushed to the bars, reaching for his brother.

Jesminda. It was the name from his letter to her. Who he had thought was his- she couldn’t finish the sentence, even in her thoughts. Some emotion in her flared and was writhing at the thought of Lucien loving another female so fiercely. So fiercely he would risk more pain when he calmed down. Elain didn’t like it.

“Have fun in there you two.” Her captor had said, before turning on his heal, and began walking off.

A part of her had wanted to ask what that was about, but another part of her was scared too. He had gotten so angry at the mention of the other females name. And his brother mentioned that Lucien had participated in whatever went on down here, and would enjoy it?

What had happened down here? What was going on?

For now, Elain slowly, silently, went and sat in one of the corners in the back of their shared cell.

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