Fruit 4

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"You just need to attend one more meeting at 3pm and you're schedule is clear Ms. Kim." My secretary, Kate informed me. If you're thinking what my job is, I took over dad's company. The Kim Entertainment.

The meeting will be in half an hour, so I decided to walk through the building. I saw the actors, actresses, idols amd models coming in and out of the building. This day seem to be busy as many of our idols had their comebacks.

I was walking to the hallway when I overheard some employees talking while they were walking towards the cafeteria.

"The rising model from New York seem to be gaining attention."

"Who? Oh wait? The tall girl with long black hair that recently was featured in Vogue?"

I was just listening to them intently as I get curious about this model.

"Yeah, her magazine was sold out after just 30 minutes! She has the power and I bet she would be an ace if ever she gets recruited here. Shes didn't even show her face on that magazine yet."

"Look the cafeteria's getting pack!"

The two girls ran towards the cafeteria and I was left curious of the model. I returned to my office, 5 minutes left till the meeting. I was just sitting on my swivel chair when my door opened. No knocking at all, and I know who it was.

"Sign this quick." She said coldly passing me the documents.

"Jisoo, it's been 6 years. Can you forgive me already? I'm your sister here not her!" I said raising my voice. She's gotten cold to me since that day. The day when me and that Lisa girl talked.

"No, never in my life Jennie. You got my best friend pregnant and told her to abort the baby. The next day she disappeared out of nowhere. No trace at all!" She yelled right to my face.

"It's not my fault she disappeared!" I fired back at her. She only scoffed at me.

"The night after you talked, she called me to accompany her to the hospital. She told me she will abort the baby, she even ask for forgiveness, she said sorry to me many times for what she's about to do! We were infront of the hospital but she send me home, she doesn't want me to witness it. She cried, thinking about losing her baby." She said clenching her fist. I realized that she was crying already.

"She's my best friend Jennie, and it's been six years since I last saw her. I don't even know if she's still alive." She ended leaving me speechless then my secretary came telling me that the meeting will start in a minute so I hurriedly sign the documents, gave it to Kate and I ran to the meeting room.

I went home at 4pm, the home that used to be filled with laughter and everything.

"Ms. Ceo looks stressed huh." Rosé, my best friend said and grabbed the bottle of Soju filling my glass and giving it to me.

It's true, I've been stressed out lately. One reason is because of Miyeon, my long time girlfriend. She broke up with me after I proposed to her. She clearly told me she doesn't want to marry me. She doesn't want to bear a child with me because she find it weird.

"Tss, Miyeon was such an assehole. Don't worry Jen, there's still a lot out there." She pat my back.

I lied my back on the couch, I was so ready to start a family with Miyeon. And then she'll break up with me right on the day I proposed to her.

"You really want to start a family now do you?" She asks, I do. Rosé told me about Jisoo ready for an IVF, after their marriage of course which is this year.

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