Fruit END

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I didn't know it's gonna be this hard. It's been a month since the revelations, I've been introduced as the twins' others parent and it feels so good to be true. They call me dada by the way and I find it cute.

Well, right now? We're at the church. I think you all have an idea why we're here right? That's right, it's Lisa and Taehyung's wedding.

Hyunjin is wearing a cute white suit with a pink strap. He looks so cute with it. He's the ring bearer. And Yeji is a flower girl together with Lia and some of our other friend's kids. She's wearing a cute white dress. She's like a princess.

But before everything, It's hurts a lot. I never really got the chance to tell Lisa how much I feel about her just these few months.

I've fallen for her, but it's all too late now. She's going to be tied to someone who's clearly better than me. Someone who can treat her like she's the most important person in the world.

Damn, I'm really so stupid.

To be honest, I do like Lisa the first time I saw her. I've fallen for her at first sight. But I just ignored it because I thought Miyeon will be the one. And I was wrong. I wasted the chance to have her.

Karma hit me harder than I thought.

The door opened revealing Lisa in a very beautiful and elegant white wedding gown. She's so pretty, very ethereal. I can't help but to tear up, Taehyung is so lucky.

What a lucky man.

Lisa was walking on the aisle together with her father. He walked her to Taehyung who is on the verge of crying. Mr. Manoban whispered something to Taehyung first making him nod and giving him a hug. After that, Mr. Manoban gave Lisa's hand to Taehyung.

I can see Taehyung's eyes filled with love as he looks at Lisa, same with her. They are truly inlove.

I looked at my twins infront, they are both looking at their mom. I smiled looking at them.

I may not be your mom's other half, but I'll always be your dada. I will not leave your side no matter what.

The priest went on the ceremony. He now announced for them both to tell their vows for each other.

Taehyung went first, and it was all sincere and honest. He is very serious, he relationship loves Lisa so much. I envy him, that's the truth. He can tell Lisa about his feelings and I can't. I'll be burrying my feelings for her under my grave soon.

Then it was Lisa's turn.

"Taehyung, love, hon, my handsome big baby. Okay that was a bit cheesy but it's true." She chuckled, making the people let out a laugh. "You know that I'm not vocal with my feelings but listen to me. This will be short but I'm all sincere."

Taehyung smiled at Lisa.

"I may not be the perfect wife you'll ever have but I want you to know I tried to be like one. I may always be at work at times but always remember that all I think about is to come home to your arms. You're my resting place, my safe place, my comfort place, my home. And as we grow old, grow white hairs, have wrinkles, use wheelchairs, it's still you and only you. Thank you very much my love, my hubby, my husband in any minutes now."

The crowd laugh making me pain. It's bearable tho. I deserve this.

After a few more minutes, the priest asked them to wear the ring on each other. They did, and it was time. The words, to finally tie them both.

And I accepted the faith, that Lisa isn't mine and will never be mine.

"You may now kiss the bride."

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