SC 3

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That time when Lisa left, I secretly followed her. It was getting boring and I was thinking of going home.

I stopped when I saw her talking to a girl. I saw how the girl was holding on her wrist and Lisa's face screams in pain so I went and helped her.

I just told the girl Lisa is my fiance and things happened.

"Hmm, fiance huh?"

I chuckled, me and Lisa are here at a park sitting on a bench admiring the pretty lights and the night sky above us.

Lisa, she's really pretty. I got told she's a party girl, and I can tell. She looks like someone who would party the whole night and go home in the morning but what shocks me is that she actually is a top student. I judged her too early thinking that she's a part goer person who doesn't care about studies.

"So about earlier, that crazy shark woman." I started when the atmosphere went silent too much for my liking.

She chuckles and leans on the bench, "She's my ex."

Oh so she's into girls.

"I'm bi, Jennie, just saying."

"I said that out loud huh." She nodded giggles. God, her giggles are like music to my ears. She's so cute too.

"And in case you forget, I was the one you just saved at the bar just by the CR, with the man?" I nodded, "he's actually my ex boyfriend..."

Damm, how many exes does this girl have?

"I have three actually, the other one isn't here. He's out of the country moving on."

I sighed mentally slapping my face. How could I just blurt out things thinking I'm just thinking about it? It's the alcohol's fault!

"Oh... You still study right?" I asked changing the conversation.

"Yep, last year for college." She replied, she rubs her arms and sighs. I removed my leather jacket and put it around her. She looks at me and her cheeks had pink tint on it. She's so cute.

"It's getting cold, do you wanna walk around or have some coffee somewhere?" I stand up checking my wrist watch. Tomorrow's Sunday and I need to process my school papers for transferring. I know it's Sunday, but I have connections.

"Hmm, kind of craving coffee. Let's go?" She smiled getting up. "Oh let's take my car, I know a good café." She said, I just nodded and I follow her to her car that we parked.

We just met a few hours ago but I can tell Lisa is a person who is comforting to be with. Her simple glances over me makes me feel something strange.

I never had any relationship before, just hook ups and nothing more. It's like relationships are not for me.

The drive was silently comfortable. Her humming to the sound from the radio.

"There it is!" She said pointing at a direction which I followed. It's a nice cafe, I can tell even if we're still outside.

Tuan Café

We entered inside and proceeded to the counter.

"Good evening, welcome to Tuan Café, can I take your order--"

The girl stopped when her eyes met Lisa's who was smiling.

"Ms. Lisa? Oh my god! It's been so long since you came here." The girl said, so they know each other.

"Sorry Yeri, I was just... you know.." lisa said looking down.

"It's okay Ms. Lisa, and oh who's this pretty lady with you?"

"She's a friend of mine, Jennie." Lisa said while Yeri nodded. I ordered black coffee while Lisa ordered herself a cappuccino. The place is great, the atmosphere inside is very cozy. I completely understand why Lisa loves this place.

We took a seat beside the glass wall so we can admire the cars and people passing by.

"This... This is Mark's café actually. Remember Mark?"

Oh her ex. I nodded to let her continue. "I loved this café not because of Mark, I mean yeah we spent lot of days having dates here but I loved this café because I grew attached to it, to the workers. And I never visited here since me and Mark's breakup. I was busy moving on that I was lost on tracks and forgot about this place."

"Hey let's change the topic, I think it's not good to talk about him." I said feeling how her eyes became sad. She might looked like a badass but deep inside her, she's hiding something.

She chuckles. Our orders came, I sip on my coffee and was shocked. The coffee was great! I get why Lisa likes this place aside from being her ex's café.

"Of course, what do you want to talk about?"

She sips on her coffee, "Hmm, let's talk about you."


She nodded, "Yeah, who else then?"

I chuckled, "Okay, shoot your questions."

Throughout the night, we just talked about ourselves, getting to know each other. I learned a lot about her, like she came from Thailand and migrated here, she studies photography but she mentioned she likes modelling.

We shared many things to each other but I did tell her yet about my condition. I'm afraid she might freak out and disgust me, it's better to know her more and tell her on the right time.

We eventually called it a night, she wanted to give me a ride but I declined reasoning that I will meet with Jisoo later.

After she left, I fished out my phone searching for her accounts on all social medias. I was like a stalker scrolling down her feeds checking all her photos.

She's really pretty, a rare beauty.

A/N: it's been a long time, and here's a short update, more to come. Click that vote button ty!

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