Fruit 9

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A/N: double or triple update for today maybe! <3


It was January, work days started again. And about Lisa? Well guess what? She's been occupying my mind 24/7 and I don't like it. It's distracting me a lot.

I always have the bear that the twins gifted me. I love it so much that I even bought it clothes. I also names it.


My train of thoughts got cut when I heard someone knock on my door followed by a faint 'Ms. Kim'. I just uttered a 'come in' and waited for her.

"Ms. Kim, by the way there was a company that called us last night," Kate paused and I signalled her to continue. "they were asking if you're interested in recruiting their model."

I looked at my secretary, "did they send any information about this model?"

She shake her head no. Then how am I able to see if I can hire this model or not?

"Any pictures?" She shake her head again.

"But..." She said raising her voice like she's about to say something exciting. "But the company said the model will take a visit here this morning before lunch Ms. Kim."

"Who's this model tho? Did they say anything else about him or her?" I asked playing my pen on my desk.

"It's a her Ms. Kim and they told me she is the rising model that was featured in Vogue who sold hundreds of copies in just half an hour." She said.

My eyes widened, I think I will hire her. Who wouldn't? She had the power to sell those copies without even showing her face yet. And as of the articles I read, she's revealing her face on her next project on her new company and if I hire her then it will be a good advantage for the Kim Entertainment.

"Prepare the meeting room Kate, and call me okce the model arrives." I instruct her.

"Yes Ms. Kim." She said bowing a little and left.

The meeting room always brings me that memory. That one with Lisa. Our last talk before she completely disappear.

After a few hours of signing and doing works on my laptop, Kate came and informed me that the model is here already.

"Is the meeting room prepared already?" I asked Kate as we walk to the elevator.

"Yes Ms. Kim, we also led the model and her manager to the meeting room already." I nodded and entered the silver box.

As soon as we reached our designated floor, we immediately walked out and went inside the room.

I felt nervous as I entered. My heart was beating rapidly. I looked at the people inside and saw a tall woman. She stand up and extended her hand for a handshake.

"Goodmorning Ms. Kim." She greeted, I took her hand and shook it.

"Goodmorning Ms.?"

"Sooyoung, Park Sooyoung. I'm the model's manager." She stated. I looked around but I don't see anyone else. She must've sense I was looking for the model. "Ahh, she is using the restroom Ms. Kim, she'll be out in a bit."

I nodded and as if on cue, the door on opened revealing someone unexpected.

It's her... Lisa.


"Jen— I mean Ms. Kim."

"You're that model?" I asked in amazement, she nodded and smiled.

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