Fruit 7

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After 6, no going 7 years, I'm finally back here infont of my parent's mansion. I'm nervous, my hands are sweaty. But I remembered what dad told me, I can come back when I'm successful. And now, I'm ready.

I was holding Yeji's hand while Hyunjin was carried by Taehyung. We walked together till we reached the gates.

The guards immediately came to us. "Do you have business with the Manobans?" I was wearing my sunglass, and that might be the reason why they don't recognize me.

I saw someone approaching from behind and I quickly recognize who it was. He is Somi's personal bodyguard, he is still young, around my age. His name is Bambam.

I removed my sunglass, the guards and Bambam squinted their eyes maybe trying to recall who am I. Suddenly Bambam gasped.

"Miss Lisa?"

I smiled at him, Bambam immediately bowed at me as well as the other guards.

"No need to bow." I told them, they opened the gates and let us in. Taehyung gave the car keys to one of the guards so he can park it.

We made our way inside the mansion. Nothing changed at all, it's still the same. Just some furniture that was changed from I remembered.

"Mommy, your house is so big." Yeji whispered to me making me chuckle.

"Baby this is not my house, this is your grandparent's house." I told her.

Taehyung and Hyunjin was walking behind us. We walked further to the hallway, we were near the living room when we hear someone laughing.

As soon as we reached the living room, I saw Somi sitting on the couch watching TV. She's so big now, she's a grown woman. She looks very different from before the last time I saw her.

"Somi..." I called.

She slowly turned her head and as soon as she locked eyes with me, I saw how tears rolled down her cheeks. She stand up and ran to me engulfing me into a warm tight hug. It felt surreal, I'm finally home with her again.

"This is not a dream right? You're..... you're here right unnie?" She said crying as she pulls away cupping my face.

I pinched her cheeks causing her to wince in pain. "It's real, see."

She hugged me again and I think she realized I was with someone so she pulled away and looked at Yeji.

"Hello..." Yeji shyly greeted.

Somi's eyes widened and looked at me. "Unnie... Is she.. is she my niece?"

I nodded, she bend down and to level Yeji's height and was now crying.

"Can I hug you?"

Yeji looked at me and I nodded at her. Yeji went to Somi and gave her a hug. I can see how Somi hugs Yeji so tight.

"Somi... There's still another one." I whispered to her, she then averted her eyes to Taehyung and saw Hyunjin.

"You have twins?"

We're now sitting at the couch with my parents. Yeji was sitting on Somi's lap. They became so close on that short period of time.

"Mommy, are they grandma and grandpa?" Hyunjin tugged my shirt and whispered.

"Yes baby,"

Mom was looking at the twins with loving eyes. I can tell because that's how I look at them too when I first saw them.

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