Fruit 6

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We just finished lunch and the Kim cousins are so fun to talk with especially Taehyung's sister, Yeri. She's very talkative. She's just like my younger sister, Somi.

Talking about Somi, I plan to visit them tomorrow on Christmas. I'll spend the Christmas with them, I'll introduce Taehyung and my kids.

"What's on your mind baby?" I heard Tae whisper on my ears. We are lying down the bed, me between his legs as he lean on the bed's headboard. He was hugging me possessively.

"Yeri remind me a lot of my younger sister. I'm planning to spend the Christmas with them tomorrow with the twins and if you want to come. I would really want to introduce you to my family too." I told him as I get his right hand and planted a kiss on it.

"I love you. You're the best thing that happened to my life, and I'm so glad I had the chance to be with you." He said sincerely as he kisses the top of my head. "And sure, I'll come with you tomorrow. How about we'll spend the day with your family and spend the night with the Kims?"

I thought about a second, since Taehyung was very excited for me to finally meet his family including his parents which weren't here today because they had an urgent meeting in Busan.

"That would be a good idea baby." I faced him and pecked his lips but he pulled my nape and deepened the kiss which I of course responded.

"Mom?" I heard Yeji call me, we are at the garden. Yeji likes flowers and plants, my mom is also a plant person. I think she got it from her.

"Yes my princess?"

She was sniffing the flowers then turned to me, "Are we staying here mom? What about school? What about Lia? I will miss her." She says pouting. Lia is her best friend, she's the daughter of my two bestfriends in New York.

"Princess, we will start a new life here. And about Lia? Guess what?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her. Her face screams confusion now.

"What mommy????" She asks excitedly.

Nayeon, Lia's mom called me a while ago. She informed me that they will come to Korea right after Christmas. Her, and her wife Jongyeon together with Lia are coming here to surprise Yeji.

"Hmmm, nothing princess. Don't worry princess, you will have many friends here. You are beautiful and smart like me, I bet everyone would like to be your friend at your new school." I told her and gave her a reassuring smile.

It's true, Yeji is a very smart girl. She loves the subject Science. She's obsessed with anything that is associated with that subject.

And in Hyunjin's case, well he is smart but he is lazy to express it. He is a sport person, he like playing baseball. He even begged us to watch a baseball game. He even got a signed jersey and a signed ball from his favorite player, Derek Jeter.

"Really mom? I'm so excited." She said and gave me a hug and kissed my cheeks.

"Let's go inside now baby, by the way your staying here with your uncles and aunties for tonight okay? I will just go meet with my friends and I'll come back quick, hmm?" I told her and she nodded at me. Yeji is a very understanding girl, she understands me when I go somewhere unlike Hyunjin.

Talking about Hyunjin, he popped out of nowhere glaring at me. I think he heard about me going out tonight.

"Mommy, I think you should buy him a new toy as a make up gift as well a a gift for Christmas." Yeji whispers on my ears making me chuckle.

I looked over Hyunjin who was squinting his eyes frowning with his arms crossed on his chest. He looks adorably cute.

"Baby~" i called gesturing him to come closer but he just looked away making a 'hmp' sound.

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