Fruit 11

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Medyo/little [M] 😭


It's been I think 3 days? Or maybe 4 when we came here in Jeju. So far, it was all fun. We traveled around, swim at the beach, visit temples and more. And I'm telling you, all those days, we haven't gave any liquors at all.

A celebration without alcohol isn't a celebration isn't it? So we decided to drink tonight. Of course after the kids goes to sleep. I can tell they'll fall asleep immediately.

The twins and Lisa's friend's daughter played a lot.

"We got the alcohols!" Mina yelled running to our cottage.

"That's for tonight bub." Chaeyoung said. "We can't drink on broad daylight. It doesn't suit right."

"She's right, I told you to leave those at the room right?" Irene said snatching the alcohols from the now pouting Mina.


"No buts." Irene said sternly before putting all the alcohols on the bag zipping it infront of Mina's face.

Mina groans and sits beside Chaeyoung and cling to her arms.

I looked at Lisa who was just smiling widely while looking at the others. We then locked eyes, I was once again drowned on her beautiful brown orbs. The most beautiful orbs I've seen my whole life.

She looked away first as I saw pink tint on her cheeks. Or I just saw that wrong.

Jennie, you're so full of yourself. Tss.

That night....

"Are the kids asleep already?" Nayeon asked Jihyo. We decided to put the kids together in one room, Jihyo will sleep with them.

"Yes, Ms. Nayeon. They're all asleep already."

Nayeon scrunches her nose, "I told you stop with the ma'am and miss. Just call us by our names. We're all the same ages here and we consider you as a friend already."

"Ah eh, y-yea Ms—...Nayeon." Jihyo said shyly.

We're all gathered together here near the shore by the beach. A bonfire not far away from us. The alcohols and chips are in front of us. Are they planning to drunk themselves? We have Whiskey, Vodkas, Tequilas and more.

"Well? Let's dig in! For Lisa's successful modelling career!" Seulgi took a glass of vodka and put it in the air as we did the same with our respective drinks.


"WAIT, Why is the sand moving???" Seulgi pointed at the water, she's drunk your honor. All of them are drunk. But Irene, Chaeyoung are just tipsy.

While me? I haven't drink a lot at all. I don't habe plans to be drunk tonight as I saw Lisa already drunk than the drunks.

She's literally talking to a seashell?!

"Hello? Are you there Mr. Krabs? Please talk!" Lisa said while putting the shell on her ears like it's a telephone.

I chuckled at her silliness. She then fell down the sand, laying her head on the sand as she closed her eyes.

I called some staffs that can help us with these drunk people. I thanked them after their help and now I'm alone with Lisa here.

I continued drinking but I only took the martini. Because again, I don't have plans to get drunk.

I stated at Lisa who was just lying down. She isn't sleeping, I know. She hasher eyes half open looking straight through the dark skies filled with sparkling spots.

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