Fruit 12

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"We're both drunk Jisoo." I told her again after I explained what happened last night.

"It doesn't matter, she clearly didn't drink that much last night. She took advantage of you!" She said slightly raising her voice.

Jisoo has been giving Jennie cold shoulders, or was she like this ever since that day?

"Jisoo, please forgive Jennie already. Did you know that I sometimes think that I'm the reason why a sister relationship got ruined.

"How can I, when you two did something?!"

"Jisoo, we talked already. It was nothing. We were both drunk."

Jisoo scoffed, "For you, it's nothing. But for Jennie, it's not. She feels something for you Lisa. I overheard her and Rosé talking about her having feelings for you."

I froze, Jennie feeling something for me? She shouldn't have.

"It'll eventually fade soon Jisoo. I'm getting married to Taehyung."

After me and Jisoo's talk, we proceeded to the restaurant were gonna eat at. When we arrived there, the twins ran to me and gave me a hug.

"What took you so long mom?" Yeji asks me raising her arms up, asking me to carry her.

I carried her anyways, "Me and aunt Jisoo talked about something princess." I explained and seated. I saw Jennie sitting in between Rosé and Seulgi just across me.

Yeji jumped off my lap and ran to Jennie. Those months being with the Kims, I can see how the twims got attached with Jennie. They're even more closer to Jennie than their soon to be dad, Taehyung.

Taehyung and I talked about it already. He just told me it's okay, that it will need more time.

Hyunjin was talking to Lia while they're happily munching on their food while Yeji is still sitting on Jennie's lap. Jennie was feeding her like a parent.

I closed my eyes and breathe deeply as I somehow feel guilty. Jennie is their other parent. Yeji, the smarter twin has been asking me lately for their other parent. I can't help but to feel bad, their other parent is just around them and I can't have the guts to tell them the truth.

"Is something bothering you Lisa?" Irene whispered to me and took a steak putting it in her mouth.

I shake my head, "Nothing." Then I felt someone's gaze upon me, or should I say Jennie's. I looked away immediately as I felt uncomfortable. Uncomfortable not because I find her weird bit because of some unsettled feelings inside me.

After our breakfast, we decided to go for a swim again. Tomorrow, we'll be going back to Seoul.

I went to the public restroom to change into my bikini. After a few minutes, I came out and started walking to our cottage when two men around my age blocked my way.

The man with light brown hair started to cat talk. "Wew, such a pretty lady. Smoking hot too."

"Excuse me." Insaid trying to get away from them when the other man with blonde hair blocked my way again.

He leaned a bit forward to me squinting his eyes like he's analyzing me.

"You... You look familiar. Very very familiar." He said nodding his head as he look at the brown haired man.

"Ah! I know. You're Lalisa Manoban! The famous model, well what a good catch we have here my friend." The blonde said tapping his friend's shoulder. I already feel something bad about to happen.

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