Special Chapter 1

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Lisa is a typical party goer. She's a happy go lucky girl together with her best friends.

She's a brat to everyone's eyes but it doesn't affect her education. She values that very much. She doesn't want her father mad at her. She doesn't want getting scolded.

She's on her senior high school, and her father is the number one person rooting for her. So as much as she's a party girl, she doesn't fail to make time for her academics.

"Another party?" Lisa asks her best friend Irene on the phone. She's on her bed tossing around and groaning.

"Did you just wake up?"

Lisa rolled her eyes like the latter would even see it.

"Yeah I just did and now I can't sleep! This party better be worth my time. You literally woke me up from my beauty sleep." Lisa replied getting up from her bed getting her bathrobe and going straight to the bathroom to take a short shower.

"I promise you it's worth it! Do you know who's behind the party?"

Lisa filled the tub with warm water and put some bubble soap in it. After that, she dip herself in and enjoyed the warm water on her body while still on a call with her best friend.


"Your crush!" Irene exclaimed making Lisa choke on her saliva.

Okay, I'm going to be the prettiest there.

Lisa thought at the mention of her crush.

"Oh God! What time is the party?" She asks her best friend as she plays the bubbles around her knees.

"Around 10pm. Better be early if you don't want to see your man being packed with girls later." Irene ended the call.

Lisa then checked the time on her phone. 8:16pm.

I still have more time. She thought to herself as she enjoys her bubble bath.

It took her half an hour taking a bath. She dried herself and her beautiful blonde hair. She then put some light makeup.

After she was done, she stared at her face on her mirror. She has a mole just below the corner of her left eye.

Pretty as always.

She thought to herself and went to her closet and looked for something to wear. She already decided to wear something that is a head turner, she wants everyone's attention to her especially Jackson.

She also planned to confess to the boy tonight. But what scares her is rejection. She had never been rejected her whole life. She was the one rejecting people. She's like a magnet, men and women are attracted to her.

She already have exes, like Sehun, who is still bugging her until today, Doyeon, her ex girlfriend who is just like Sehun and Mark, her favorite of them all, he was a perfect boyfriend but she fell out of love which Mark understand and they actually had closure unlike the others.

And she knows on the party, the two annoying exes will be there. Why she knows they will be there? Lisa doesn't miss any party, of course they will go there to see her.

She wore a red fitted dress with a small slit on the left leg part and decided to tie her hair into a messy bun.

She finished exactly at 9:30pm. 30 minutes until the party. She lives in her condo so she doesn't have any problems going out late at night. She took her car keys and went out her condo, she went down at the parking lot and looked for her Porsche. Once she found it she hopped in and started the engine.

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