Fruit 2

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A/N: i just wanna say that some chapters may contain, malicious language. The first chapters will be like this. Sorry in advance if uncomfortable.


I woke up with the sound of my phone ringing. Opening my eyes still adjusting as it was still blurry. Then my eyes went wide as I remember what happened last night.


Right, it was really shit! I was about to move to get up when I felt my lower part stinging. I'm sore, oh God! I run my fingers on my blonde locks remembering I just slept with my best friend's sister.

Stop thinking Lisa! That was just a one night stand! The next day, we all forget!

I was just lying on the bed of one of Hanbin's guest room. Then I remembered Jennie again, she wasn't here anymore. I assume she already got up and got out or went home.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Hanbin's number. I don't know if he's still using this number, it's been a year without communication! I scrolled down my contacts and found his contact that is still registered as 'mon amour'


I change it to 'Hanbin' and dialed it. And a few minutes, it was answered.

"Hello, Lisa?"

It's Hanbin, so he still use this number.

"Umm, Hanbin? Can I ask something from you? Are you still at your mansion?" I asked, because I don't know maybe he got out on date with Ian.

"Ah yes, I'm at the mansion, why do you ask?"

"Can... can you umm.." I stuttered, I was shy to ask him for a painkiller! Oh God. It was very painfut, it's been long since I got laid okay.

"Hey, why are you stuttering. What is it Lis?"

I gathered my all and finally ask him, "Can you come to my favorite guestroom here at your mansion? Get me a glass lf water and painkillers please. I'll explain everything later."

I can hear him laughing on the other line. He knows my favorite room because we used to do it here. And this was the room I sleep in whenever his parents are here because they don't want us to sleep together. So it turned out being my favorite room.

"Okay, I'll be there in 5 minutes. I'll prepare you food too. Better explain everything later! Detail by detail!"

Then he hang up the call.


Right I just had a one night stand with a girl with a fucking huge cock! I remember how she stretched me out! I can still feel her meat inside me. Okay stop thinking about it now. It's done already. We forget everything that happened last night as it's a rule for one night stands!

My thoughts got cut when a knock was heard on the door. I uttered a come in then the door opened with a grinning Hanbin holding a tray of food, a glass of water and painkillers on lying on the tray.

He sat beside me, I sat up slowly as my lower part stings again, he then put the tray on my lap.

I started eating then Hanbin eyed me with an eyebrow raised. "Okay, girl. Spill what happened last night." I rolled my eyes on him and shove another spoonful of rice on my mouth. I chewed and swallowed it first.

"It's just a one night stand, it means nothing. And you won't believe who I just had it with." I said and he was listening intently immersed with my story.

"Who?" He asks curiously


He started to make a sound like 'oohhh'.

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