Chapter Sixteen

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• Violence
•gang affiliation
•use of weapons/ foul language
•homophobic slurs. (I promise I'm in no way homophobic, it's just for the book)

Jack is out of jail now, and they're planning the fight.

Jack's POV-
I woke up to see Essie still rolled over sleeping. I moved closer to her wrapping my arm around her waist and placing a kiss softly on her temple. "Mm good morning." She whispers. "Good morning Love, so what did you guys to while I was locked up, and why did it take so fucking long to get me out?" I asked. "Well for starters it took so long because your boys think they don't have to listen to me, and we had to plan it Jack, the planning took a while." She replied then I realized that was a little harsh. "Well what do you mean they don't listen Love?" "I mean I told them to get off their fucking asses and train and they said 'oh you're overworking us Essie, we're doing too much.'" She said. "Well then. How about we go see what they're doing now?" I replied.

Essie's POV-
I probably just got the boys in trouble which wasn't my intention, but maybe we'll get things done now.
"Get your asses in here right now!!" Jack yelled.
"What's up boss, what's going on?" The boys questioned. "What's going on is that apparently y'all don't listen and are overworked. So I'm gonna show y'all just wait overworked feels like. You have ten minutes to be dressed and outside training. You get a one hour lunch break from twelve to one and then you're back outside until I say come in, got it?" "Jack." Jonah said approaching him. "Yes Jo?" He replied. Jonah was his best friend and second command so he listens to him.

Jonahs POV-
"Jack man this is a lot. I mean my boyfriend is recovering from a bullet wound." I said. "Fine. Then you only train until three." He said. "Jack. Bro you just don't get it. She's been having us train more than you do, everyday from the time we wake up until we go to sleep. It's too much, we're tired." I said pleading with him. "Then take a damn day off. Tell them they can have a rest day. One Jonah. One. It's back to work tomorrow." He said and went to walk away. "Hey, is she second in command or am I?" I asked seriously. He walks back up to me aggressively and I think for a moment that he might hit me. "You are and maybe you should act like it. Don't you ever fucking question me again, I'm first in command. Remember that." He said staring intently at me. "Then maybe you should fucking act like it and stop letting your bitch control your gang." I said. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" He said grabbing me and shoving me against the wall. "I said, be a man and don't let your bitch control your gang for you." I replied. I then felt him hit me. "Jack I don't wanna fight you." I said. "Well you wanna be men right. Let's be men. Hit me." He said angrily. So I did just that. "I fucking hate you." I started. "I hate that you got us involved in this gang. I hate that I have to commit crimes in order to be your best friend. I hate that you continue to make Daniel do this even though he almost died for your ass.  I fucking hate you Jack!" I screamed tears coming to my eyes as we continued fighting. "JoJo." He said. "No fuck you." I screamed crying.

Daniel's POV-
I walked out of the room to get a snack and heard Jonah screaming at Jack. "Jo, baby?" I called. "I hate you!!" I heard Jonah continue to scream.

Jack's POV-
"JoJo, it's okay I promise it's okay. It'll all be alright, but you know in order to get him out we have to jump him out. That's the only way. And since you're a member you have to be involved in that." "I can't Jack. I can't." He said and continued to cry. I just simply wrapped my arms around him and let him cry. "Okay, it's okay."

Essie's POV-
I walked out to see Jack and Jonah standing there hugging, and Daniel standing awestruck in the doorway. "What the hell?" I asked. "I'm not sure I just wanted some food and to see Jo, when I first walked out here they were fighting and I was gonna call you but then all of a sudden this happened." He said. "Well maybe they finally worked things out." I said. "I hope so, I'm ready for all of this to be over." He said sadly. Me too I thought. Me too.

Jonah's POV-
I had been avoiding Jack since our moment earlier, I know gang members are supposed to be all emotionless but I just couldn't hold it anymore. Speak of the devil. "Hey Jo." He said walking up to me and sitting down next to me. "I'll let him out, we won't jump him or anything. There's a way around that." He said to me. "I want out to Jack. I'm done. We're done. I can not live my life this way, I'm here for you as your best friend, whatever you need. Not this." I started. "Jonah. You're my second in command, I can't just drop you too." He said. "Jack please. I can't do it." I said. "Jump me or whatever you have to do, I just want Daniel and I out of it." "Consider it done." He said and got up walking away.

Jack's POV-
The only way to get a member out of a gang is to jump them out, or be jumped for them, since Daniel is recovering I won't be jumping him nor will I be jumping Jonah as he's my best friend. So currently I'm on my way to get jumped twice, one for each of them. Will I die? Possibly. But it'll be okay. Essie will take care of my gang for me. Truth is I don't wanna be in it anymore either.

**Incoming call from 'My Love'***
Essie- Jack where are you?
Jack- it doesn't matter Baby, I'll be home soon.
Essie- JACK ROBERT get home right now.
Jack- I love you, take care of them.
Essie- Jack- I- Jack? Jack?
***Call with 'My Love' ended- 1.49***
I knew this wasn't a good idea but it had to be done.
"Yorba." I yelled walking on they're side of the line, probably not a good idea. "You really are one brave mother fucker walking into my territory and yelling like that." he said. "Well I'm here to get jumped. Twice." I said. "Twice huh? And somehow I feel like neither of them are your girl. Let me guess. The fags. The one that got shot and the idiot boyfriend." He said. "Don't call them that ." I stated. "Are you gonna jump me or not?" I asked. "Oh yeah. I'm gonna have loads of fun with this one. BOYS." He called and we got the process started.

Essie's POV-
***incoming call from 'Jacky Bear❤️💍***
Essie- Hello?
Jack (Yorba)- Hey Princess, you might wanna come pick up your boyfriend. He's a little- well almost dead actually. Barely breathing.
Essie- what the fuck. Where is he?
Yorba- oh princess he came here on his own. To jump the fags out of the gang.
***Essie ended call with 'Jacky Bear'***
I then ran to my car and began driving towards where Yorba and his men stay, I got there and for out in time to find Jack laying on the ground outside losing life.  "Jack." I said. "Hey Princess." Adym said to me. "I swear to god I'll kill you." I said pulling my gun out. "You don't have time, he'll die. I suggest you go. You're already two gang members short and you brought no back up with you so I strongly advice not pissing me off little girl." He said. I turned around and looked at Jack. My almost lifeless boy. I began giving him littles kisses. "It's gonna be okay." I encouraged. "E-Essie?" He whispered. "Shh." I replied and kissed his forehead softly. Then I called the ambulance and followed as they took him away and to the ICU. I called Jonah and the boys to let them know what had happened. "Well obviously Daniel, you and Jonah are no longer part of the gang." I said. "Essie- I." "Save your shit for someone who cares Jonah." I said. And walked into the room with Jack. "Be nice to him. I chose that you know." He whispered. "Oh hey baby. You're awake." I said wanting to give him a hug but not being able too. "I'm awake, and it's okay Baby." He said smiling. "I wanted to do it. That's my best friend and his boy." "I know it is, but you could've died Jack." "Well Love, that's the life of a gang member." He said falling back to sleep.

The end of another chapter!! I would like to say I'm sorry and give a special thanks to everyone who continues to read my books, for a while there I lost my inspiration to write. But thank you !!

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