Chapter Fourteen

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***Violence Warning***
***Gang Warning*** sorry.

Essie's POV-
"He's on the way Daniel. Now please calm down." I said. "Where. The. Hell. Is. My. Boyfriend?" He asked. "On the fucking way Jonah! Now calm your god damn ass down!" Jack said. "Fuck you Avery." He said. I grabbed Jacks hand because I could feel him growing more angry by the second. "It's okay."

Jack's POV-
I felt Essie grab my hand as Daniel continued to yell at me. I knew that he was in pain and just wanted his boyfriend but at the same time he had no right to be treating us the way he was. It was uncalled for.

Daniel's POV-
I felt like an asshole for being rude but like, my boyfriend could be anywhere and I don't know where he is, or what he's doing. I'm so worried.

Jonah's POV-
I'm done with this fucking gang bruh. It's trash.

Essie's POV-
I walked out the door to go get Jonah who had texted me saying he was finally here. The lady at the front desk stopped him. "He's with me Bitch." I said and grabbed his arm taking him to the elevator then up to Daniel's room. He walked in and Dani got so happy. "Baby!!" Dani yelled. "Hey Baby, sorry I'm late." He said and kissed Daniel on the forehead.

Jonah's POV-
"Jack? Can I talk to you?" I asked. "Umm... yeah JoJo. What's up?" He replied. Then he walked out the door insisting for me to follow him so we could talk in private. "I want Daniel out of the gang." I said bluntly. "Now- Jonah... you know that I can't do that." He said. "I want him out. Jack. Now!" I stated matter of factly. "Jonah." He began. "No you self centered prick. He's in the hospital. He could have died. All for you. I want him out. End of discussion." I said and walked back into the hospital room. He followed me. "We aren't done with this conversation." He said grabbing my arm. "No we are." I said. "What the fuck is going on?!" Essie asked. "Your boyfriend is an asshole." I replied.

Essie's POV-
"Your boyfriend is an asshole." Jonah said to me. Then I watched Jack walk over to to him and push him. "Jack!" I warned. Then Jonah punched him in the face. "Jonah!" Daniel said. I then walked in the middle of them. "Stop this fucking shit! Right now. You're both acting like children. Grow up! Jack, lets go. Now!" I said dragging Jack out of the room and out into the empty waiting room. "What the fuck is going on with the two of you? That is your best friend. You don't fight your beat friend Jack!" I said. "He wants Daniel to leave the gang." Jack said. Then I understood. But I also understood Jonah. "Jack... my love if it was you then I'd want you to leave too. So I understand what he's saying, and Daniel does need a break. Even if it's not permanent. The boy needs recovery time." I said sadly. "Essie- it doesn't work like that. He signed up for this when he joined the gang, and he can't leave now. This is the biggest fight that we have ever had to fight. We need him." He said. "No Jack, you don't. I'm in training. I'll do it." I said. "No Essie..." he said. "It's not up for debate." I finished as Zach and Corbyn came into the waiting room. "We came as soon as we heard." Zachary said. "What the hell happened?" Corbyn added. "He got shot." I said. Then regretted it because they didn't agree with the gang. "What?" Corbyn said. "Can we see him?" Zachary said. They didn't say anything about the gang which everyone was thankful for. "Of course, come with me but be quiet because he is visiting JoJo right now, and he may or may not be sleeping." I said seriously. Then we walked down the isle to the room. "Let me go in and make sure it's okay for everyone to visit." I came in to see that nor Daniel or Jonah were in the room but someone else was. Someone none of us know. "Why don't you come here Beautiful?" The man said to me. "Where are they asshole?" I said not afraid. "Come here. Now!" They said walking towards me. "Ja..." I began. Then he grabbed me and put the gun to my head holding my hands behind my back.

Jack's POV-
"If you come any closer I will blow her fucking head off." Someone said to me. "Noah?" I asked. "Surprise bitch, did you think it was an accident that Daniel got shot? No. I shot him." He said. Then Essie sighed and stared down at the ground crying. All of a sudden she picked her head up slamming it into Noah's. "You fucking bitch." He said grabbing her by the hair. Then she kicked him in his balls and ran over to me. "I'm gonna fucking kill you." He said to her. Then he came over and pushed me causing me to lose my balance and fall into the door. I watched him as he grabbed a full head of her hair and swung her causing her to fall on the bed, in a lot of pain.

Essie's POV-
"I'm going to kill you." Noah said as he came over to me grabbing a hand full of my hair and tossing me onto the bed, and climbing on top of me. "Noah. Please." I said sobbing. I was not ready to go through something like this. I couldn't move because he had my hands pinned against the bed, and I wasn't able to move. "Why not? You've always been so pretty and frail. You let Jack do it, when we were together, why not now Beautiful?" He said seductively. "Noah, get off of me." I said sobbing, trying to push him away from me. He ran his hands under my shirt and across my breast. Then I saw Jack getting up. "Jack. Don't." I said. He doesn't listen. He came over and grabbed Noah, throwing him against the wall and pinching him in the face. "Don't. You. Ever. Fucking. Touch. Her. Again. I will fucking kill you." He said.

Jack's POV-
"Don't you ever fucking touch her again. I will fucking kill you." I said punching him in the face repeatedly. "Jack." I heard Essie say. I ignored her. "I swear to god I will fucking kill you. You god damn traitor."  I said punching him in his face. Noah then hit me back pushing me against the glass. "Kill me then asshole. Do it. Kill me. You won't." He said.

Essie's POV-
I had just watched as my boyfriend stabbed my ex. I don't think he realized that he had stabbed him. I said my breath hitching. What the hell. I'd don't know what to think right now. My mind is racing, my heart is beating. I- I don't know what to do. I don't know anything anymore. "Jack..." I said.

Jack's POV-
I looked down to see blood on my hands. "Noah- Noah I..." I said. "I know Jack. I know." He said one single tear drop leaking from his eye. Then he fell to the floor, the knife plunging further into his stomach. "Oh my god." I said. I had just killed my best fucking friend. "Jack." I heard Essie call. She got up and came over to me. "You need to get out of here." She said. It was too late. The cops were already here. "Excuse me sir, you need to come with me. Now." The officer said pushing me on the ground and cuffing me. "We need a doctor in here!" The officer yelled. Then he looked at Essie. "Go find your friends. And get out of here. Now." He said.

Essie's POV-
"Officer..." I began. "Go. Or you will be in cuffs too. Go get your friends and get the hell out of here." He said. "Jack..." I said. He looked at me. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He replied. "I'll get you out of here." I said and walked out of the room. "Corbyn, Zachary." I said when I saw them. "Where are Jonah and Daniel? We need to go now. They have Jack." I said. "What? Who has Jack?" Zachary asked. "The cops. Noah was in the room and he tried to rape me, and Jack- Jack s-stabbed him. We need to go." I said. "They are in the bathroom." Bean said. I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Daniel, JoJo. We have to go now. The cops have Jack." They came out of the door. "What the hell happened?" Jonah asked. "Noah's dead. Jack killed him. I'll explain in the car." I said. We got in the car going to the station to get Jack before some else got to him.
"So basically Noah was in the room and he tried to kill her, then he tried to rape her, and then Jack stabbed him. He betrayed us. Jack had no choice." Zach explained so I didn't have too again. I was currently in the car having a mental breakdown. Not only was my boyfriend a gang leader, but he was my exes best friend, the ex who tried to rape me. The ex he killed. I did not know if I could do this, but I knew I had too. Because with Jack not available I would have to lead the gang. I could do this. I would do this. "When we get him out we are going to train. Longer and harder. We will get them all." I said.

The end of chapter Fourteen! I hope you guys liked this, and I'm sorry for all the slow updates. Sometimes I don't have the inspiration. This was rushed so it's bad. I'm sorry. I'll update more tomorrow maybe. I love you!!❤️❤️

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