Chapter Twelve

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Essie's POV-
I walked up to Noah's girlfriend. "Hey, I know I'm Noah's ex but could you please give me a ride to Jacks house?" I asked. "Umm... yeah. Get in the car. Im on the way there to drop off Noah for something." She said. That's when I realized. She has no fucking clue. She doesn't know that her boyfriend is in a gang. "Ok. Thank you." I said. Then we left.  "So, how are you and Jack doing Essie?" He said turning around looking at me and winking. "Fine thanks." I said and rolled my eyes. He looked at me. Teasing me. Because he knows my boyfriend is a fucking gang leader. "Hey umm... you are aware that your boyfriend is in a gang right?" I asked her. "He's what?" She said looking at him. She then pulled into the parking garage of the house. We got out of the car.  "Babygirl, don't listen to this bitch." He said. Then she looked at me. "She's just trying to start some shit." He said. Then she looked at me. "You're just mad because I have him and you don't." She said. I stared laughing. Hysterical laughing. Then she walked up to me. "What the fuck are you laughing at bitch?" She was really working my temper. I looked at Noah. "Baby, back up." He said. He knows how I am. "Why? Stupid whore ain't gonna do shit." She said. That was it. I was done. "Get. The. Fuck. Away. From. Me. Now." I said. "Or what?" And then she hit me. I then swung on her and punched her right in her face. She then made a noise and grabbed me by my hair. She tried to pull me down to her but I flipped her and put her on the ground. Then I heard Jack. "What the hell is- Essie!?" He said. I continued to punch her in the face. She was bleeding. Then Jack came over to me and grabbed me pulling me away from her. She got up and tried to come back at me. "What didn't learn the first time?" I asked and went back to her hitting her again. She had only hit me that one time. "NOAH!" Jack said. "Get your damn girl and take her home. Then be back." He said. Then he grabbed me and hugged me. "Calm down Babygirl." He said and kissed my forehead. I was instantly calm. "What happened?" JoJo asked running outside. "She beat Noah's girls ass." Jack said. Then he said "but what did happen?" "She said I wanted Noah. And then she hit me." Then he caressed me and hugged me more. Then I realized this could be the last time I ever hugged him. "Baby, please be careful. I know you have to go because you're the leader. But pls pls be careful." I said teary eyed. "I will, you'll go next time but you aren't trained this time, although JoJo is staying to train." He said and kissed me. "What?! No the hell I am not. If Daniel is going I'm going. Jack you can't do this." He pleaded. The pain in his eyes was real. Daniel walked over to him. "Jonah, my Love, I will be okay. I promise you I will be okay." Daniel said then kissed Jonah softly on his lips. "Get in the car." He said and they left. "So..." Jonah said. "Jonah, just train me please. Let's cut the shit." I said annoyed and worried. "Okay, you're right. So, the main thing to know is that you always need to be alert. Don't ever let your opponents out of your sight and always always have the upper hand." He said. "Got it." I said showing I understood. Then he ran up to me, I moved out of the way. He ran into the wall. Then I ran behind him grabbed his arm and  "Ok, okay, I'll take that. Although your not really supposed to do that. I'll take it." He said and came at me again. Daniel and I have been getting closer and I'm worried about him. But I ran at Jonah again and he grabbed me, turning me so I was facing the valley behind the house. I pushed my leg back and kicked him the grabbed his arm and flipped him on the ground. "Good, Damn. That was good." Just then Jacks Lambo came speeding into the driveway throwing gravel. "Get a fucking Wrap Jonah!! Now!!" He screamed. Jonah didn't even ask questions. Just did it. No nothing, just left. That's it.
Jack's POV-
"Get a fucking wrap!! Jonah!! Now!!" I screamed. He just left. No hesitation. Then I called Noah the boys, "Noah, help me move him. I need your help man."
Essie's POV-
"Noah, help me move him. I need your help man." Jonah was here, Jack was okay, Noah was here. Corbyn was helping Jack because Noah's an idiot. Daniel! Oh my god. No! Daniel must be hurt. :(
Jack's POV-
Noah and I moved Daniel out of the car placing him on the sidewalk. Then Jonah ran outside with the wrap. "Oh. My. God." He said. "What the hell happened?" He added. Then he started crying. Daniel and Jonah were together. As in dating. Which I approved of now, but I couldn't imagine the pain that Jonah was in. "We got ambushed man. They came out of everywhere." Noah said. "Shut the hell up Centineo. Shut the hell up! Now!!" I said.
Then Essie started walking closer to me. "No. Essie. No. Do not come over here. Stay there." I pleaded. Daniel was her best friend. And he could die. She walked closer. "Jonah! Get her out of here." She was also semi close to JoJo and I think he's the strongest available right now. Jonah walked over and grabbed her. "Let me go! Let me go you asshole. That's my best friend. I have the right to be there." She screamed sobbing. "Jack." She said. "Jonah! Go." I said. It hurt like hell. "Jack. Robert. Avery. I fucking hate you!" She sobbed. Never mind. That hurt more.
Flashback- (so y'all know what happened.)
Daniel's POV-
We walked into the territory and then there were gunshots. Gunshots everywhere. They came from everywhere. We couldn't go anything. We killed about twenty five people. Then it happened. "Jack." I said. "Daniel just, hang on. I'm gonna get you help. You will be okay. I promise." He said. I was hit. I'm my stomach. I had just gotten shot. I was dying. Corbyn was still shooting people. That was my best friend. On god. He was gonna get him self killed for me. "Corbyn." I said weakly. He turned around. I could see the pain in his eyes. "Jack." I tried. He looked at me. "Get Corbyn out of here. Before he gets himself hurt, or worse. He has Zach to come home too." I said weakly. Then saw darkness. "Daniel?" I heard Corbyn asked. I reached up and grabbed his hand. Then I felt myself being lifted. Then nothing.
Essie's POV-
My best friend got shot, and fucking Jack is making me leave, and not be able to be there. Fucking ass.
Jack's POV-
"Corbyn, I need you to call an ambulance. Say someone was hunting and we were in the woods and he got shot. Go. Now!" I said. Corbyn called the ambulance. "Daniel, Daniel stay with me. Please stay with me." He wasn't responding to me. Maybe he'd respond to JoJo. "Jonah!" I yelled. He appeared out of thin air. "Is he okay Jack?" Jonah said teary eyed.
Jonah's POV-
I looked at my boyfriend lying on the ground shot. Shot when I was promised that he was going to be okay. My heart was in so much pain, that it hurts physically. My body hurt. I could not breathe. Could not think, but I had to be here. For my Baby. "Daniel." I sobbed. "Daniel, stay with me Baby. Please, you are going to be okay. It's okay. Please stay with me Baby." I cried. He squeezed my hand weakly. "Daniel James Seavey, I fucking love you. I love you more than anything I have ever loved in my life. You mean the absolute world to me and so much more, I can not wait to spend the of my life with you, the day you walk down the isle with me the second greatest day of my life. The first was when you agreed to be my boyfriend that day by the water."
Flashback to the day they started Dating-
Still Jonah's POV-
Daniel had agreed to let me take him to the park. We were by the lake and I had decided that today would be the day I asked him out. I begged Jack to let us be together, because we were in a gang and it was prohibited, for obvious reasons. He agreed. "Daniel." I said. "Yes Jonah?" He asked smiling. I didn't know how to ask so I just did it bluntly. Why sugar coat? "Will you go out with me?" I said. The look on his face was unbelievable and I couldn't read it. I hated that I couldn't read it. "I- it's not a big deal. You don't have-" I was interrupted as I felt soft lips against mine. He liked me too. "Of course." He said.
End of flashback.
Jonah's Original POV-
I was remembering that day as I felt Daniel's hand go limp. "Daniel? Danny? Baby." I said. "Baby!?!?!?" I said again. Nothing. "Jack!!!!" I screamed. He came back over to me. "He's not moving anymore." Then I laid my head on his chest. He's not breathing. "Jack." I said hyperventilating. "He's not breathing." I added sobbing. "Jonah, he's gonna be okay. Calm down." Jack said to me. "Essie!" Jack screamed. She came running and saw me and immediately sat down wrapping her arms around me. "Jonah, I know, I'm sad too. But you have to be strong. For Daniel." She said. "Be strong for Daniel? He's not breathing Ess." I sobbed. She the wrapped her arms around me me tighter. "It's going to be okay." She said. Then I heard sirens. I knew Jack was doing CPR but I could not really process anything. I had blacked out. The ambulance pulled into the driveway. "Move out of the way sir." They said and picked up Daniel putting him in the back of the ambulance. "He needs to go into immediate care and be put in the intensive care unit directly after surgery.  Then he came over to me. "Boyfriend or Brother?" He asked. "Boyfriend." I said. "Okay, well we are taking Mr. Seavey to the ICU for surgery. We promise he will be welled cared for. You may follow but may not see him until he is out of the ICU, and that's assuming he makes it. He seems to have some internal bleeding, and we will have to remove the bullet fragments, because I think they cut a vain." The man said. "Jack." I said. "Get changed. You can't go looking like that." I ran into the house changed and got in the car. Essie was already there with Jack. Zach and Corbyn were going in the car together. To get the details probably. At least Corbyn was okay.
Essie's POV-
"Okay, well we are taking Mr. Seavey to the ICU for surgery. We promise he will be welled cared for. You may follow but may not see him until he is out of the ICU, and that's assuming he makes it. He seems to have some internal bleeding, and we will have to remove the bullet fragments, because I think they cut a vain." That's what the ambulance guy said to Jonah. My best friend was dying. We arrived to the hospital at the same time as the ambulance. The doctors ran him up to the ICU while we were forced to wait in the waiting room.  I was so scared. Jonah was a mess, sobbing crying. Repeating the same thing over and over again. "Please be okay Baby. Please be okay." He sobbed. "Jonah." I said. "He will be okay. There are good doctors here. I promise. He will he okay." I said. Just then the doctor came out. "Mr. Seavey will be okay. He went through surgery just fine although we did have a minor problem with his breathing, but all is well. Because he is still hooked on machines, we are keeping him here for at least three days, with minimum visitors, which means only one of you can go at a time." He said. Jonah looked at me. "Go." I said "Go to him. Take as long as you need and be there for him Jonah." I said.
Jonah's POV-
Essie let me visit Daniel first. Which I was forever grateful for. Jack, Zach and Corbyn had went home. Noah has went back to his slut. Zach and Corbyn had went back to each other. Jack had went back to his gang business. Essie was kind enough to stay with me and Daniel. "Daniel." I began. "You can not even begin to understand how much you mean to me. How much you scared me today. I can't explain it. I could not breathe. Could not see. Couldn't think. Couldn't react. I remembered something though. The day we got together. How I had to fight with Jack before I asked you out. So I could guarantee that we could be together. How scared I was when you didn't respond at first." I grabbed his hand, and started crying. "The way I felt when you kissed me. Everyday that you have been a part of my life, has been the greatest day of my life. Please, never leave me. Daniel, I love you." I said. Then I saw his eyes flutter and he touched my hand softly. Weakly. "Oh my god. Daniel. You're okay. Thank goodness your okay Baby." I said laughing and crying then kissing his lips softly. He smiled and closed his eyes again. Then opened them. "I- Love- you too." He said to me. I smiled and kissed his fluttering eyelids. "Dormir, Mi amor. Dormir. Te amo mucho Bebe." I said. 'Sleep my love. Sleep. I love you so much Baby.' Then I walked out of the room to let Essie visit.
Essie's POV-
"Daniel James Seavey." I said. "I fucking hate you." I said laughing. "No, but you did scare the hell out of me." I said kissing his forehead. He somewhat fluttered his eyes. "No no. Sleep." I said. Then I walked out of the room to Jonah. "You can go back. I know your anxious sitting out here." I said and smiled. "Thank you." He said and hugged me.
Daniels POV-
I woke up to see Jonah sitting with me. Again. I reached and grabbed his hand. "See fathead. I told you I'd be okay." I said. He smiled and kissed me again. "Oh, and I love you too." I added smiling.

The end of  Chapter Twelve. Sorry y'all for slow updates. School and stuff. 🤪 Love y'all. ❤️

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