Should do it? No, it's a stupid idea, why he would give his attention to something so... insignificant? But isn't insignificant! Well, doesn't seem to him, would be really special, so he should do it! What if he refuse?
All of those questions ran through the youngest head in a space of a few seconds, he had to take an action before the other go away.
Once that he have the no, he just need to try to get the yes, so here we go!
-Umh... Geo?- Asked behind the other one who was packing his things to go home. He just hummed, in a way to tell him to continue- I was wondering if you would go for a walk...
-Go for a walk?- The older one asked, turning back and lifting the eyebrows.
-Well, yeah- It was good or bad?- I understand if you're too tired for it, was a huge concert and-
-No! I would be really glad to go with you- Relief, pure relief- I just didn't expect that you are the kind of person who likes 'late night walks'- Completed, holding the door for him to pass.
-Oh I'm not, but the sky is really beautiful tonight so I guess you would like to visit a place that I know- Couldn't hold back the smile on his face when felt the warmth of the other's hand taking his.
-It's dark, no one will see...- Just nodded, looking a bit of time looking at those shiny eyes illuminated by the street weak lights.
-And here we are!- Said excited, opening his arms in front of the old abandoned building.
-Oh you're not supposing- Trembled, shaking his head.
-Why not?- Asked from the first steps of the stairs.
-I'm not going on the roof, look at this!- Complained pointing to the old creaky iron emergency stairs.
-Just because the red painting is kinda faded?- Laughed, resting his elbows at the handrail- I promise you that it's safe, Georgie!
-If I die here, it will be your fault and you can wait for my spirit to come back to beat you up!- Responded, starting to walk with shaking legs.
-You won't, I already did it a couple of times and Im completely fine- Said taking his hands to help him with the highter last step- Look at this sky!
-Not that bad- Mumbled blushing and sitting on the cement floor, gesturing to the other to sit by his side.
-Be sincere, isn't almost magical?- Giggled looking at the small shiny points at the infinite dark blue- It's freezing cold here...
-You should wear coats to these open air dates that you enjoy doing- Muttered, sitting behind him passing his arms around his body.
"Open air dates" He did call it a date! He thinks it's a date! Of course the taller one blushed like a teenager girl, but how he wouldn't?
They just kept silent for some minutes, wasn't embarrassing, they were together, looking at the view of a giant illuminated London covered by a full of stars sky, these moments don't need even a word.
A far low sound touched their ears, if they paid a lot of attention, the sweet and soft words of "Can't help falling in love" could be noticed dancing through their aura, carried by the soft England's wind.
-Do you believe in universe signals?- The older whispers.
-Oh, I guess yes- Answered, nestling in his arms- Why?
-What's the chance of someone be hearing this song at 01:00am if not for us?
-Now I surely do believe- Giggled, passing the hand on the other's messy bangs- Wait, 01:00Am?
-Yes, later than you expected, uh?- Asked looking for a cigarette at his pockets.
-George! It's Christmas!- Yelled, how did they forget that?
-Oh, happy Christmas then- Smiled, slowly getting nearer to the other's lips, taking them a couple seconds later.
Wouldn't refuse that, so they just stopped once that they were both on the floor, practically breathless.
-Are you warm enough by now?- Mumbled, letting some other kisses flow.
-Sure- Answered, with eyes closed and a satisfied smile on his face- And you? Less scared about being at the roof?
-Yeah, I feel safe with you, just like nothing bad can happen to us- Responded laying on his chest.
And there they spent the rest of the night, until the train station was open to the youngest made his way home, in a way or another, it was Christmas...
In heaven- Rock one-shots
NonfiksiAlgumas histórias aleatórias que voam em minha mente de madrugada. Não sou uma escritora incrível, não sou fluente em inglês, mas estou me esforçando para fazer isto não acabar como lixo. Pedidos abertos :)