part 1

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I was riding my bike to work when ever richie pulled up beside me, "Hey stan, where ya headed". "The exact same place i go everyday that ist sunday" i replied and he laughed, "Yeah, i just like how angry your voice gets. Is it really that bad i mean there are hundreds of books and painting on birds and you can see them outside, also the bowers gang would never find you because they never go there". I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Thats the thing, since no other supervision is there and they know i work there almost everyday, they make it a point to come" i explained and he scrunched up his face, "well ok yeah that is smart" he said and laughed, "Oh go home". He started laughing really hard once we pulled up to the library so i had to quiet him down, "Shut your face before i get fired". I walked in and the nice lady that works there handed me the key, "Here you go stan, i hope to find it in one piece in the morning" she says, like every day, and i responde, "You always do ma'am".

I walked in and saw there werent many people, just some of the earlybirds that needed somewhere to pass time, but then i noticed one kid ive never seen before, ever. I tapped richie on the shoulder and he turned around, "What, there are some hot cheerleaders outside". "Oh shut up before i tell your boyfriend now look, do you recognize that kid" i asked and he shook his head, "Nope, he just moved in next to me". I nodded and starred at him before he looked up and started walking to me, shit is he mad or uncomfortable, is he....oh. He set down his book then slid a piece of paper that had 'id like to return my book' written on it. I slid over to the computer with all the information, "Hand me your card and whats your name" i asked and he handed me his card but didnt say anything. I looked at his card and it had a piece of paper attached to it that read 'bill denbrough'. I nodded and typed in stuff then checked it back in, "There you go". He smiled then walked to the bookshelves and dissapeared behind one.

"Who is that" richie asked and i handed him the paper, he nodded. I walked over to a rolly shelf with books on it and set the book there then decided to go ahead and start putting these back. I rolled one over to the historical section since i saw alot of history books. I put those back then saw my favorite, five bird books. I walked over to the bird section which i know by heart. I turned the corner and found bill there, i just walked past him and started putting them up. I set a hummingbird on the shelf then he grabbed my arm. I flinched then looked at him confused, he pointed at a section a few places over, "Oh thank you". I took it out and placed it in the right spot. I grabbed the next book and he pointed to the books then the shelf, "Yeah you can help". He smiled and nodded then began to help. I wonder if he was just helping because he saw me flinch or because i had so many books.

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