1: Red Smoke Bombs

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As a teenager ran around the block, the sound of yelling followed him. He leaned against the wall, and huffed out. He looked to the side and saw that the bottom three of the top six had stopped chasing him. He turned away from the corner and stepped away from the wall. He turned and started to walk down the alley.
(Trying not to be cringe with this, I might fail-)
As he walked he thought about what his roomates might think when they hear of him almost getting caught. He sighed again and walked out of the alley, only to see a guy being creepy with a  lady. He smirked and walked over to the pair. "Hey back off would you? She's obviously uncomfortable by your presence." The guy turned to him and paused. They stated at eachother, and the guy started to laugh. "And who are you to say that?" He turned around then was yanked away from the women. "HEY-!" The teen forced him to bend down. "I say this because unlike you, I can read body language. Also only real gentlemen can tell when a women is uncomfortable. You are not a good male. Now leave her alone before I punt you into the sun." With that the teen let the man go. The teen turned to the women, only to feel the back of his head smacked. "You initiated this fight buddy.." he turned and immediately swung. It almost connected, but the guy dodged. Good thing he did too, because the teen saw the #3 pro hero TNT right behind him. He smirked and elbowed the guy in the side, right before being picked up. The teen yelped in surprise and was shoved down. When he looked up he immediately shut his eyes, and felt a punch. He felt a whimper come from him as he felt himself get picked up. He winced slightly as he opened his eyes. It wasn't the stupid man, but TNT. He almost felt greatful, until he remember he was in his uniform. His eyes widened and he grabbed a smoke bomb. TNT tilted his head until he realized what it was. TNT was about to yell, until the Vigilante threw the bomb into the ground and ran away.

As TNT uncovered his eyes, the Vigilante was no where to be seen, and the assaulter was on the ground unconscious. He sighed and turned to the lady. "Are you ok Nikki?" Nikki nodded. "Thank you W- TNT.." TNT nodded and grabbed the guy and started to carry him away. He stopped and picked up the smoke bomb. The dye was red. He frowned. The bomb kinda looked like a cherry... TNT sighed and started to walk away from the scene. He didn't know what to think of the whole ideal, but he didn't know the vigilantes name... CherryBomb would have to do for now in his reports..

(Sorry that this is short I don't have a keyboard ATM)

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now