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As Wilbur paced the floor in front of the room, he recognized a certain duck hybrid running to the room. Wilbur paused and the duck slowed to a stop. “Why are you here.” They both said. They growled at each other. “I’m friends with Tommy.” They both stared at each other until the doctor came over. “Alex?” The duck, now known as Alex, turned to the doctor. “Yes, señor?” The doctor started to show his findings and notes, and WIlbur sat down. “When are we allowed to visit?” The doctor turned to Wilbur. “For now it’s family and friends. The man who brought him here had to leave immediately.” Wilbur sighed. “Of course he did. He called me to look after him while he looked for you.” Alex nodded. “You should also call Tommy’s phone. He accidentally left it at home, and his friends are worried at home. They’ll answer it, trust me. His number is on this sheet as well.” The doctor nodded and walked away. Alex sighed and sat next to Wilbur’s seat. “Hello Wilbur..” Wilbur sat next to Alex. “Hello Alex. I haven't seen you since Schlatt was president.” Alex scoffed. “Since he made a lawless land you mean?” Wilbur nodded slightly. “Yeah.. Look I’m-” Alex shoved his hand over Wilbur’s mouth. “Shut it.” Alex took his hand off of Wilbur’s mouth and leaned back in his chair. “I want to forget those times.” Wilbur nodded and looked away from the duck hybrid. He slightly heard him praying in spanish. “Querido Dios, no te lleves al mejor amigo de mi hijo, es todo lo que tiene.” Wilbur nodded and sighed. “Do you know when they’ll let us in the room?” Alex turned to Wilbur and frowned slightly. “Soon, they have to finish the check up first. He got a pretty bad beat down..” Wilbur shrunk slightly. ‘ I should have been there dangit.. I shouldn't have left..’

[at the same time in Tommy’s apartment]

Tubbo looked around for the phone that was ringing. It wasn't any of theirs since they were not buzzing, so it must be Tommy’s. He hasnt come home from work despite promising so, and Tubbo worried that Tommy had been caught by a pro.  When he looked under the bed, Tubbo grabbed the phone and answered it. “Sorry for it taking so long, I had no clue where Tommy placed his phone.” he heard a laugh, and a sigh. “Is this Tubbo Underscore Sch-” “Yes it is. I just use Underscore now thank you.” Tubbo injected. Bee heard writing. “Well Mr.Underscore, Technoblade brought Tommathy Innit into the hospital hours ago. He had some major injuries and his leg is barely hanging on. You should head to the hospital.” Tubbo paused and turned to ranboo. “What's the address.” As the doctor said the address, Tubbo put shoes on and Ranboo shut off his computer and put on a jacket. Tubbo held onto Ranboos hand and Ranboo teleported over to the hospital. They were in the waiting room. They walked up to the nurse.
[this isn't how hospitals work, i should know, but I DON'T REMEMBER HOW THEY WORK]
The nurse seemed to be expecting this. “Name?”  As they stated their names, Tubbo felt a shadow behind him. “Oh hello Technoblade. He’s still in the room.” Tubbo turned around and almost had a heart attack. “H-Hello-” Technoblade looked down, and almost looked guilty. Techno looked up and nodded, and turned to walk to the room. Tubbo walked after him and Ranboo soon walked after the two, after signing them both in. “Tubbo you can’t just-” Tubbo nodded. “I know but-” Technoblade came to a pause and the two teens bumped into him. “Sorry-” “Wilbur what are you doing here?” Wilbur looked up and sighed. “I felt guilty for leaving, so when you told me, I stayed here so if he woke up before someone else came here I would be here.” Tubbo noticed Technoblades sigh. “Dad called, I’ll stay here, You go to dad.” Wilbur nodded reluctantly and walked off. Technoblade sat down next to Quackity, who acknowledged him awkwardly. “I’m not going to arrest you. It’s not the time. But next time I see you I will. But why are you on Tommy’s emergency contacts?” Quackity sighed. “I mainly live in the same place as them. They are not legally adopted, except for one, and I mainly pay the bills when they can't afford too.” Technoblade nodded. “Alright, I'll add a somewhat decent being to your list of crimes.” Quackity froze, then laughed slightly, as he noticed his attempt at a joke. The two teenagers sat down on the ground, backs against the wall across from the room. “¿Por qué te diría esto?” Technoblade hummed. “I don't know. Also that's the only phrase I know other than Donde está la biblioteca-” Quackity laughed slightly, and shrugged. “Why do you need to know where the library is?” Technoblade shrugged, and looked down at the two teens. Tubbo waved hesitantly. Technoblade noticed. “I don’t hold it against you.” Tubbo looked up. “Huh?” Technoblade sighed. “I could tell you were worried, by the way your clinging to-” Technoblade paused, and looked back at Tubbo. “Them.” Ranboo smiled anxiously. “I’m Ranboo..” Technoblade hummed. “Tubbo’s the adopted one.” Ranboo added, and Tubbo smacked his arm. Quackity laughed slightly, and Techno watched this happen. It wasn’t until they heard a noise from Tommy’s room that they noticed Tommy was awake. Tubbo ran in first, then came in Ranboo. Then Quackity and Techno. The news was turned on, and TNT was on screen, talking about the death of Schlatt. Technoblade looked at Tommy, who was grinning. “He’s gone Tubbs! You don’t have to stay at home anymore!” Tubbo grinned, and Technoblade just noticed how young they looked. Ranboo was around 18 at the most, but Tommy appeared younger than the other two boys. He sighed, and Tommy noticed. “AYEEE PINKY!!” Tommy coughed. “Ow-” Technoblade laughed slightly, and the others noticed how tired the hero was. Tommy however ignored this and started to notice his hair was down like normal. “Your hair’s down, like, all the time. It seems impractical to have it down. It could get in the way!” Technoblade nodded. “I just haven’t had time to do anything with it.” Tommy thought for a bit, and Tubbo and Ranboo watched the gears turn, until his eyes lit up. Techno paused as he watched Tommy’s body language change. “Can I braid your hair?” Technoblade paused at this, and was about to decline, but Tubbo and Ranboo looked at him with evil grins. Techno sighed and nodded. Quackity watched from a corner as the hero sat down near the bed. Tommy couldn’t sit up, so he leaned back slightly on the chair. “You mess this up, I’m not letting you do it again.” Tommy nodded with a determined look on his face.

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now