It's Too Calm

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As Tommy got up to work at Nikki and Puffys, he noticed that Tubbo was on his bunk. He sighed and rolled his eyes. As he stood up, he leaned on the side of the bed, and grabbed his crutch. As he walked over to his desk to put on his pants, he noticed that Tubbo’s laptop hadn't been shut for a few months. It layed there dead. Tommy sighed and shut the laptop.
After he changed and started to walk outside, he heard a honk.

Tommy sighed and rolled his eyes. As he climbed up the stairs, he saw Wilbur and Techno in the car. Technoblade was driving, But Wilbur was in the passenger seat. “Get in gremlin!” Tommy stuck his tongue out and opened the car door, and stuck his crutch in first before falling into his seat. “You realize you can injure yourself doing that, right?” Tommy nodded and sighed. “It’s efficient.” Techno sighed and Wilbur laughed.
During the ride, Wilbur played some of his favorite music, and every now and then Tommy would sing along. Tommy noticed Technoblade smiling, and grinned at that. As they got closer, Wilbur started to blast Hamilton. Tommy saw Technoblade roll his eyes, but laughing at Wilbur’s bad impression of the men of Hamilton. Tommy sang along with some of the songs until they reached Puffy’s. The building looked fine, but there were a few reminders of the attacks.

When the car stopped, Wilbur got out and helped Tommy. “Techno would stay, but he has.. Work.” Tommy nodded. “I know, have fun Pinky!” Technoblade groaned and banged his forehead against the wheel, accidentally hitting the horn. Wilbur laughed, and carried Tommy’s bag into the place with him. “Hey there Toms! Bout time you came back!” Tommy laughed and high-fived Foolish as he walked behind the counter. As Tommy started his shift, Wilbur sat down facing the door, and held Tommy’s bag as well as his own stuff.


Tommy walked over with Wilbur’s drink and plopped down in front of him. “Forced hourly break?” Tommy nodded and sighed. Wilbur breathed out a laugh and handed Tommy his bag. As Tommy dug into it, it seemed as if he was trying to make sure he wasn't letting something in his sight. When he got his phone out, he plugged in his headphones and started to play his music. Wilbur smiled as he started to drum along to one of the songs he recommended.

As the two sat there, Wilbur noticed that the news was on. As he watched it, he noticed that Technoblade and Electra were fighting against Eret. Wilbur sighed, but wordlessly cheered for Techno and Electra to win. As the 10 minutes passed, Tommy stood up and started to walk back to the desk, and sat down on the chair there. As the trail of customers grew, Wilbur noticed that two familiar people walked in. He grinned.

“Fundy, Jack, over here!” The two turned and Fundy grinned. As they walked over, Tommy took a glance at Wilbur and nodded. Wilbur nodded and looked in front of him. As Jack and Fundy sat down, he realized that Fundy’s tail was bandaged up. Wilbur tilted his head and Fundy shook his head slightly. Wilbur ohh’d and nodded.

As the day continued, nothing out of the ordinary happened. That is, until a familiar face opened the door. Wilbur froze as they walked into the building. Standing there was Alastair. Wilbur tore his vision away and typed on his phone. Tommy walked over to the table and tapped Wilbur on the shoulder. “She your ex or somethin?” Wilbur shook his head and tilted to his phone.

Tommy’s eyes widened and he swore under his breath. “He's a regular.” Wilbur stared at Tommy, before tilting him back at the counter. “Hey Tommy, is Foolish here? I have something of his!” Tommy put on a front and nodded. “Yeah Alastair, he's in the back, you can wait out here if you want.” Alastair nodded and walked over in front of the window. Tommy walked behind the counter, and Wilbur could have swore the heater was turned on.

It was an uncomfortable wait, but when Foolish walked out, his apron was off, and he was walking over to Eret. They looked up and grinned. “Hey Foolish, you ready?” Foolish nodded and the two left. Tommy looked at the time and grinned. “Finally.” Wilbur looked up and saw the time as well. “Finally, I was gonna pass out. Are you ready for physical therapy? Also is Puffy here to take over?” Tommy turned around, and nodded in response.

As the two left the cafe, they didnt notice the pair of eyes watching them.

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now