2: You almost got what?!

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(I'm gonna cry it erased all my progress and I forgot most of it =(( whatever I'll fake it till I make it)

TNT looked over at the woman. "Are you ok Nikki?" Nikki nodded and looked down at the man before stomping on his back. "Now I am.." TNT smiled before remembering he had a job. "I should probably tie him somewhere..." Nikki nodded and smiled. "We still up for karaoke later?" TNT nodded. "You bet. Baby it's cold outside still happening?" Nikki nodded and laughed. "You betcha, as long as you do the thing.." TNT laughed. "It's tradition!"

As Tommy climbed through his window, he was yanked inside his room. He yelped and was about to trigger his smoke bomb, until he saw Tubbo was the one manhandling him. He smiled nervously. "Were you caught by TNT?" That sounded more like a question, but Tommy knew it wasn't. He looked away, and inhaled quickly. "Were you. Caught by. Fucking TNT." Tubbo said more harshly. "Almost.." Tommy said quietly. "ALMOST??" Tubbo should have shreiked if they don't have neighbors. "What the fuck did I say about heros???" Tommy sighed and continued to avert his gaze anywhere but with Tubbos. "No not engaged in contact with one..." Tubbo frowned. "And what did you do?" Tommy rolled his shoulders, hearing a pop from one of them. "Save a possible woman from SA?" Tubbo frowned and Tommy heard Ranboo yelling in fear. Tommy almost laughed until he saw the look of anger in Tubbos eyes. "Your taking Top bunk." Tommy's eyes widened. "Tubbo I-" "Top. Bunk." Tommy frowned and started to take off his mask and jacket. Once he shoved the two items in the drawer, he shut the window. He didn't want no birds in him and Tubbos room.  As Tommy changed into a more comfortable shirt, he walked into the living room to see the news on. He flinched when he heard a door open, and saw none other than Ranboo walk into the room. Ranboo was pretty tall - around 6'6 - and his tail seemed cut in two, but able to connect. Tommy sighed and flopped next to Tubbo. "Why are you watching the news Bee?" Tommy heard Ranboo ask. "Because someone stupid almost got fucking caught." Tommy heard Ranboo sigh, and saw them sit down in his peripheral vision. As the news went on, they finally got to TNT's interview, when something interesting happened..

"So TNT, have you ever encountered vigilantes? What are your thoughts on them?"  TNT seemed uncomfortable by this question, but nonetheless answered as honestly as he could without being political. "They exist, and I have ran into a few.." the reporter seemed unhappy with this answer and tried another time for a sufficient answer to his liking. "Can you name some of the vigilantes you've run into? Do you think their a good thing for this city?" TNT sighed and brushed his hair away slightly. "The most recent one threw a cherry shaped smoke bomb at me. And I will not give my opinion on Vigilantes. This interview is over." As TNT started to walk off, the reporter tried to get more answers, before small pops were heard. The reporter stopped after that, and their segment ended.

Tommy sat there, processing what happened. TNT, Tommy's favorite hero, mentioned him. He turned to Tubbo, who was still staring at the screen. He turned to Ranboo. He was... Spacing out. Probably had no clue what was happening. Tommy turned back to the television screen, which was showing the weather. He couldn't process this that well. Tommy stood up and went to him and Tubbos shared room. He needed to think about this.

Later on that night, a young man and woman walked into the bar, and listened to others singing random song. When it got to their song they looked to eachother and laughed. "You ready Wilbur?" The woman asked. "You bet Nikki!" Wilbur responded.

(Insert song above, or if you can't: Baby, It's Cold Outside feat: Wilbur Soot|  I love this cover because of one part "OH WE'RE STILL SINGING UM ITS COLD OUTSIDE!")

When they were done, They sat down for a final drink before walking out. As they walked, they shared funny stories, like how one time Wilbur's father almost drowned him by forgetting he couldn't swim when he was 7. Nikki almost died of laughter from that. Nikki shared a memory about a boy she used to babysit. He used to chase bees around and cry when he got stung saying he didn't know why. That farmed some awws from Wilbur. "He sounded adorable!!!" Nikki laughed. "Better than the other boy, he used to yell a ton! He was sweet when he was calm though!" Wilbur laughed. "Well this is my stop!" Nikki said.  Wilbur grinned. "See you later then Nikki!" Nikki smiled. "Tell Techno and Phil I said hello!" Wilbur nodded and started to walk away. "Will do Ma'am!" He responded, fake saluting. Wilbur turned around and started to walk, not noticing someone starting to follow him. He went down a couple of blocks, and almost turned another corner until he noticed a shadow behind his. He sighed and turned around. "Hello Technoblade." Technoblade sighed and stopped. "I was wondering how long it was going to take you." Wilbur frowned. "Isn't this your day off?" Techno rolled his eyes. "The commission didn't like that, so forced me on patrol. How was karaoke with Nemesis?" Wilbur grinned. "Pretty good, she forced me to do the thing though.." Techno laughed softly. "Good, now Phil wants you home soon." Wilbur groaned and rolled his eyes. "Fineeee" Technoblade held a laugh, and walked away.

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now