6: Vulpes

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As Tubbo stared at the dead body of his father, something in the back of his mind told him to search his body. He complied and grabbed his plastic gloves from his pocket. He began to poke and prod the body until he saw something unusual. “Pfft, normally he’s the one giving the bruises, not giving them.” As Tubbo inspected more, he noticed that they seemed to be in self defense. Tubbo remembered the look of Quackity the last time he saw him. He was bruised, but not as deflated as last time. Tubbo smirked and stood up. As he walked out he went into his room and stole his bee plush he came back for. Sure he was 3 years late, but better late than never.

As Ranboo made the creeper crunch cereal for Quackity, he felt himself dissociate. He frowned and started to distract himself to stop the dissociation, but nothing worked. In the end, he started to hum Fallen Down and put the cake in the oven. The ender particles seemed to have ran to Tommy at the sound of the song, except for a few. He heard Tommy yelling in the background, but it sounded muffled. Ranboo started to feel like static as their eyesight grew blurry. He heard Tommy sigh, and started to feel himself move over. Tommy looked over, and noticed Ranboo’s eyes fading into purple. Tommy sighed and dragged Ranboo to the couch. “See you soon, big man.” Ranboo nodded slightly and felt himself disappear.

As TNT walked around the neighborhood, he saw an apartment complex that seemed run down. He wondered how it ever stayed in business. He sighed and started to walk the other way, just to see someone leaving and starting to walk in the opposite direction. TNT sighed and started to follow the young man. He seemed to be unarmed, which was weird for this type of city, and the night time. TNT watched as he walked towards a crime scene. He sighed and started to walk towards it as well. “He give you any-” “Is there any record of Jonathon Schlatt having a child.” TNT paused. “You don’t mean-” Electra nodded, and TNT almost fainted there on the spot. He went close to Electra's ear and whispered. “I think Tommy lives with him..”  Electra’s eyes widened. “That boy you’re always talking about?” TNT nodded and Electra sighed. “Well, for now just keep watch for any suspicious behavior around the place they live.” TNT nodded and started to walk back. He felt a crow perch on his shoulder and he sighed. “Go back to dad.” The crow cawed and flew off. TNT smirked and started to run over to the apartments again.

As Quackity and Tommy slowly stopped talking, they heard the familiar sound of TNT running. They didn’t think much of it, until they realized that it was around the area of their apartment. Tommy sighed and stood up. He went to his room and grabbed his Cherry Bomb outfit and walked to the door. “The bathroom has no windows, and a lock that I specifically added. Hide in there if you hear us fighting. It’s a precaution.” Quackity sighed. “I could help you?” Tommy shook his head. “Then I’ll be considered a villain. I don’t want that.” Quackity nodded. Tommy put on his mask and started to run out of the complex. TNT stopped running at the sight of the red hooded vigilante.  Tommy flipped off the taller hero, and the hero frowned. TNT walked closer, and Tommy got a little nervous. That was never a good thing. However when he got closer he noticed that he gave more respect than expected. ‘You’re too loud. Some people are TRYING to sleep.’ TNT paused and nodded. “Sorry about that.” Tommy nodded and turned to walk away. However, instead, he was tackled by Vulpes. Apparently even TNT hadn’t been expecting that. “Vulpes, calm down, he was just telling me to stop running so loud.” Vulpes looked up. “Still.” TNT shook his head and walked over to Vulpes. He picked him up by the collar. “Remember you used to be a vigilante too.” Vulpes seemingly rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah…  ik wil hem nog steeds vastleggen…” TNT sighed. He noticed the vigilantes eyes grow wide. TNT smiled softly and set Vulpes down next to him. “Apologize Vulpes.” The fox hybrid looked up swiftly. “HUH?-” The hooded vigilante gave a glare to the fox and Vulpes looked away anxiously. “Fine. Het spijt me.” TNT rolled his eyes. “English.” Vulpes shrunk in his jacket. “I’m… Sorry.” TNT grinned. “Now that that’s out of the way. Why are you patrolling this area.” The fox man sighed. “I stopped hearing your run. I got worried.” TNT smiled and patted Vulpes head. Then turned to the vigilante. “Do what you have to do.” The fox tilted his head, but was immediately met with red smoke. The two hero’s coughed as the vigilante ran away, and Vulpes sniffed slightly. “Cherries-?” TNT nodded and waved the smoke away. “See what I mean?” Vulpes nodded and TNT helped him up. “God my nose is messed up now-” TNT laughed softly. “See what I deal with?” Vulpes nodded. “Alright, back to your post son.” Vulpes nodded. “Alright Dad!”

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now