Cyborginnit (SHORT)

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As Tommy ran across the street, he smiled to himself as he ran. He was finally able to do what he always wanted to do again. No more stupid little nub in the way, and he could run. He was finally free from the "house arrest" Tubbo and Will had given him. When Tommy climbed up a ladder left down, he looked up and saw a full moon. He smiles softly as he sits down on the roof. He shut his eyes and remembered the first time he put on his leg.

As Tommy tried on the prosthetic leg for the first time, he grinned as he messed with how it bent. After seeing how smooth the joints worked, he went to stand up. Wilbur and Tubbo almost pushed him back down on his seat, but Ponk advised against it. "See how he works with it first." She said. As Tommy stood up his grin widened.

When he opened his eyes, he heard screaming. He sighed and stood up and looked down. A girl with split dyed hair was fighting off a taller figure. He sighed and climbed down, and walked towards them. The girl seemed to notice him and started to insult the dickhead more. Tommy grinned and smacked him on the back of his head, before punching him in his throat. As the guy fell, the girl started to walk away from the scene before Tommy called out to her. "You ok m8?" The girl nodded and rolled her eyes. "You should leave, I pressed the emergency button that alerts the police." Tommy nodded and ran off.

As the days went by, no one reported the red vigilante and no one even bothered to question the kid. Not until later on when he was pulled over by Nikki. It started as a normal work day, until she called him to her office. When Tommy sat down, Nikki's normally calm demeanor changed. Her shoulders seemed tense and her eyes showed paranoia. "Tommy, I am sure you're aware of the no 1 villain Dream correct?" Tommy nodded. "I checked the security cameras. How were you interacting with him so calmly?" Tommy shrugged. "I figured if I acted unsuspecting, he would leave me alone. He lectured me on locking the door." Nikki nodded and sighed. "He doesnt limit himself to heroes Tommy. Just- be careful." 

Tommy nodded and walked out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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