4: Siren

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That night was mostly uneventful for Tommy. It was full of running around the city, making sure no one was stealing cars or breaking and entering. The only exciting part was the interaction with TNT. He had an abundance of energy just from that one interaction with the hero. As he ran back to his apartment, he saw Technoblade on guard. Tommy sighed and went back to his alley to change. He checked the time and saw it was 4AM. Two hours of sleep until he had to get up. Bingo. The question was how to get back without Technoblade noticing him. Then he remembered his ability. He grinned and shut his eyes to focus. He was always bullied for this ability, but he was proud of it anyways. When he opened them, he saw he was on ground level. He smirked and started to run to the pet door, dragging his bag with him as he went. As he got through the door, he opened it and grabbed his bag before shutting the door, quickly running back into his apartment and locking the door. As he walked into his room, he heard Tubbo and Ranboo talking about a random TV show they had watched on stream. Something about a guy who didn't like musicals or something. Tommy just shrugged and shut his door. As he opened his laptop to tweet on his Vigilante account that was purely on data just in case, he noticed that there was a DM request from someone called Siren. He rolled his eyes and opened it. It was always him that had to deal with pros DMing him. As he opened it, he took a sip of a Cola he got from his cola drawer. He spit it out immediately when he saw the message.

Siren: Tommy I need your help.
Siren: Its me Nikki.

Vigilante ig: NIKKI???
Vigilante ig: YOUR A HERO???
Vigilante ig: I mean-
Vigilante ig: Whos tommy?

Siren: lmao, but Tommy this is serious. I am aware that you have morning shift, i can change that later, but i need help with something.

Vigilante ig: what is it

Siren: Ill meet you at the back of Puffies shop. Don't worry about Puffy, she knows as well.

Tommy sighed. So much for his 2 hours of sleep. Putting on his vigilante costume he climbed out of his window and started to run.

Vigilante ig: Technoblade has been patrolling my apartment for hours atm. I might be a bit.

Siren: got it

As Tommy ran to his day job, he noticed that there weren't many heroes on patrol around this area. He frowned, noticing this fact and ran faster. That meant there were more villains in this area. He sighed and started to watch where he stepped, as the villains and vigilantes around this area used tripwires frequently. As he closed in on the closed cafe, he walked around to the back of the cafe to see Nikki on the ground. "NI-SIREN!!" Nikki coughed in response, and shushed him. "Quiet, and help me in the cafe." Tommy nodded and ran over to the young woman. Once they were inside the cafe, Nikki took her mask off and sat behind the counter. Tommy followed her behind the counter, but instead went into the office and grabbed the first aid kit. "Why'd you call me over here anyways Siren?" Nikki coughed before responding. "I had heard that the vigilante Purpled was back, and wanted to introduce him to you." Tommy wrinkled his nose. "I've met him already. We don't get along." Nikki sighed. "That is probably a good thing, as he's working with Cards." Tommy froze. "You ran into Cards. Check to see if there's any playing cards on your person quick!" Nikki's eyes widened and started to search before she made a discovery. "How good are you at grabbing objects out of wounds..." Tommy froze and turned around. "Is it?" Nikki nodded, and Tommy felt vomit rise up his throat. He swallowed and pushed through his feelings of disgust. 'Now's not the time Tommy, you gotta save your manager.' As he walked over to Nikki, he ripped her sleeve off and handed it to Nikki. "Better shove this in your mouth woman." Nikki smiled softly before biting down on her sleeve. Tommy checks the areas around the wound before grabbing the tweezers. "Get ready Siren, I'm going to pull out the card now." Nikki nodded and Tommy started to pull out the card. He bit his lip as he heard his boss, and friend, in pain. When he pulled the card out he immediately put pressure on the wound. "Put pressure here." Nikki nodded and took the sleeve out of her mouth and ripped her other sleeve to put on her wound. "Awesamdude's gonna kill me for ruining my suit..." Tommy laughed silently. "Isn't that illegal?" Nikki laughed and shook her head. "You know that's not what I mean." Nikki went silent and perked up as if she was hearing something. "Yes I'm doing ok, I'm set up at Puffies, You may come get me. Bye HellHound." As she tapped her com she looked back at Tommy. "You should leave, HellHound will be here soon." Tommy nodded. "Bye Siren." Siren nodded. "Bye."

By the time HellHound got there, Siren was standing up and the ambulance was already there. She handed the playing card to HellHound who put it in a plastic bag. (Their using tweezers guys they arent dumb) As HellHound walked over to the police to give them the evidence, he saw someone move out of the corner of his eye. Someone red. As he turned to look, he saw TNT. "Hello TNT." TNT nodded and walked over to Siren. HellHound sighed and started to walk to the cafe. He noticed something strange. There was an ender pearl on the ground. He paused before picking it up. 'The villain must've dropped it..' HellHound nodded to himself before walking off towards Siren and TNT. Siren was humming an unfamiliar tune, and TNT was just sitting there. HellHound joined the two heroes, until Siren stopped humming. "Is everyone else gone?" HellHound shook his head. "We do have to go to headquarters. Electra wants to talk to us three. TNT and Siren nodded. As HellHound grabbed an enderpearl, TNT started to walk away from the scene.

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now