The Vigilantes

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~ A month earlier ~

As Captain Puffy and Captainsparklez wandered around the block, they heard the sound of arguing. They turned to each other before running to the origin. There stood the ex-heros Nara and Havoc. They both paused and turned to the two pros before turning to each other and running. Puffy breathed out a laugh and Sparklez looked confused. “Aren’t we supposed to follow them?” Puffy shook her head. “They were discharged because of their age and medical reasons.. Leave them be for now.”
The two captains watched as the young vigilantes ran off, laughing slightly when one tripped, and got up.

Time Skip over

As Tommy watched the news, he saw some vigilantes in the corner of the screen. He squinted his eyes and saw a green tint to the two’s eyes. The one with a mask seemed to frown, and the masked followed it. Tommy's eyes widened at the technology of the mask, but turned his attention to the shorter one. They nodded and turned around walking away while the other one glanced at the camera, before flashing a signal of some kind with their hand. Tommy sighed and looked over at his computer. He looked up the mask and came up with a good hypothesis as to who the two were.

HAVOC_NEX, also known as L0cal_Cr0w, or Void. Formally a pro-hero before a mission messed up its lower jaw and put it out of commission. However it appeared as if it and its partner (NaraBea) lied about their age and they both were discharged. The last sighting of the two was during a villain attack at Puffy’s.

Tommy sighed and looked up the Puffy’s incident and noticed that there was another vigilante at the scene, namd Luvali. The three didn't seem to be very coordinated, but they still worked together before George and SapNap took them down. Tommy pressed play and noticed that there were more vigilantes working around as well. ElliotIsWeird and StarBoyBlue were also at the scene but focusing more on protecting the civilians, and Naya was working on evacuating them. BeeFluff was focusing on attacking George while Chaotic_Rat was joking around while keeping SapNap occupied away from the counter. Puffy was seemingly gone, but Foolish was there and attacking Dream.

Tommy shut his computer and looked up at the screen, to see it was covering what happened last night.

“Last night, the Dream Team was found attacking the pro hero Vulpes. Parents, avert your kids' eyes from the screen.” A pause was given for parents to usher their kids away from the TV, before an image was shown. “A piece of Vulpes tail was found at the crime sce-”
Tommy couldn't handle any more of it and turned off the TV. he felt vomit rise from his stomach, but he swallowed and pushed it down. He shut his eyes and sighed. When was he allowed out of this stupid hostpital.
As if some unknown force commanded it, Dr.Ponk opened the door, with Quackity at her side.
“Tommy, I know you're bored here, but I believe that you are well enough to leave.” Tommy sat up immediately, and Quackity laughed. Tommy noticed a pair of crutches and sighed. “Am I cleared to work as well?” Ponk nodded, but mentioned that he had to be driven. Tommy cheered nonetheless, and turned to get up. Quackity laughed and sat down the bag he came in with.
“You might wanna change first niño.” Tommy nodded and Ponk left the room. As Tommy changed, he realized that he couldn’t do vigilante work. His mood dropped and he stared at the crutches that were against the wall. That didn't mean he couldn't wander around as a citizen.

As TNT and Siren patrolled the area, they both spoke of the Puffy’s incident. Their stances on vigilante’s were well known. As the two pondered the fates of all the vigilante’s concerned, they felt as if they were being watched. Siren turned around, but no one was there. She sighed and turned to TNT, but he was already running off after a vigilante. She sighed and shook her head. ‘That’s not how you tell them your ok with vigilante’s ######.” As Siren chased after TNT, she noticed that it was BeeFluff. TNT stopped behind her. “Hey, I’m not gonna-” The vigilante turned to face the two, and they noticed a green tint over their eyes. There was a brief pause until BeeFluff flew up. Cause there's a bee. The two heroes sighed and looked at each other once again.

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now