5: Dream's a Bitch

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(Edit: fixing plotholes and might as well fix the format too)

As the weeks passed, Tommy felt as if everything was going too smoothly. Tubbo had been having fewer nightmares, and Ranboo- is just Ranboo. As Tommy mopped the floor, he felt the atmosphere around him change. Normally it's just him and Nikki, but since Nikki was in the hospital it was just him. He continued cautiously until he heard the sound of the door opening. "Dude we are closed, can't you read d----head?" He sighed as he heard no response. He set the mop to the side and looked up to see Dream in front of him. The number one villain. He tensed and almost yelled. "You should really lock the doors." Tommy rolled his eyes. "I've said this to Siren, I'll say this to you, Nikki is in charge of that. Well Puffy is right now, as Nikki is in the hospital." Dream nodded. "I heard someone in here, so I wanted to make sure no one was robbing the place." Tommy rolled his eyes once again and continued to mop the floor. "No one is robbin the place, so canny leave?" Tommy's accent grew stronger at the end of the sentence. Dream nodded and turned to leave. Tommy once again rolled his eyes and mopped the floor. When he heard the door open, he rolled his eyes. 

"I swear to prime, if another person walks through that door I'm gonna lose it." He heard Puffy's laughed and grinned. "Ello Puffy!" Puffy waved and smiled. "Hello Tommy, I'm just here to lock the door, so you can leave! I'll finish up here!" Tommy shook his head. "Na, I'm almost done anyways." Puffy nodded and waited. When Tommy finished he put the mop and bucket back in the closet and took off his apron. When he walked to the front of the counter, he saw that Puffy was talking to Wilbur. "-and I am aware of that, but-" "Ello Wilbur!" Wilbur froze and looked behind Puffy. "Oh, hello Tommy! Woulda thought you were home already." Tommy shook his head. "Nope, I work almost all day. Don't worry I take breaks, I'm a big man and know when to take breaks!" (This is targeted. Yes I'm talking to you. Take a break big man.) Wilbur nodded and looked at Puffy. "I was just letting you know what was happening." Puffy nodded. "Tommy, you stayed later than usual, Wilbur, walk with Tommy." Tommy and Wilbur glanced at each other and shrugged. "If he kidnaps me, I'm blamin you." Puffy laughed. "You have every right to." Tommy fake saluted then ran out of the bakery. Wilbur jogged after him.

With Tubbo, he was coding a better tracking system, so Ranboo could save Tommy in a seconds notice. As he typed on his computer, he heard a knock on his door. He sighed and opened it. There stood Ranboo, holding a stuffed piglin they had bought together named Micheal. Tubbo smiled softly, and let Ranboo in. Ranboo used to look human, but over time, the splotches of black and white covered his whole body, and his scleras grew to be a lighter shade of red and green. Tubbo smiled as Ranboo sat on the bed behind him. "Whatcha doing?" Tubbo shrugged. "I'm making the tracker better." Ranboo nodded and flopped down on the bed. "I'm bored." Tubbo breathed a laugh out. "Why not make those burgers you love so much?" Ranboo sighed. "We are out." Tubbo thought for a moment. "Spaghetti?" Ranboo shook his head. "Had that last night." Tubbo spun his chair around. "Make some for Tommy, then make the cereal?" Ranboo sat up. "Ok, you want some too?" Tubbo nodded, and Ranboo left the room. 

As Tubbo continued to program, he heard a knock on his window. He sighed and turned, expecting Tommy, but was met with Quackity. Tubbo sighed and unlocked the window and let him in. "You got busted didn't you?" The duck nodded and the small man sighed. "You're lucky I can say you threatened me."  Quackity nodded. "Speaking of you, what are you doing mi hijastro?" Tubbo sighed and turned back to his computer. "Just programing a tracking device for you know who." Quackity nodded. "I heard you put Nikki in the hospital?" Quackity nodded solemnly. "Didn't mean to Mi hijo, she just struggled more than I thought she would when I asked about you guys." Tubbo nodded. "She'd rather die than tell random strangers about us." Quackity nodded. "I let her get away, don't worry." Tubbo nodded, before a knock at the door made them both flinch. "QUE DEMONIOS" Tubbo quickly shoved his hand over Quackity's mouth and walked over to the door. He could hear Tommy laughing, along with another adult? Tubbo sighed and opened the door. "TOMMY WHERE WERE YOU?" Tommy froze, and the man beside him froze as well. "Food-" Tubbo shook his head and sighed. "With some random stranger?" Tommy sighed. "Nihachu is close with Mr. Beanpole here" Tubbo nodded. "Aight, anyways mom has graced our presence." Tommy grinned. "AYYY ME GUSTA!" Tommy ran into the apartment and Tubbo took a good look at the tall man. "What's your name." The tall man shifted uncomfortably. "Wilbur." "Last name." "Soot." Tubbo nodded. "If you even glance at Tommy wrong, they won't find your body. Or mine." Wilbur nodded anxiously. "Now shoo." Wilbur nodded and started to walk off. 

Tubbo turned around and entered the apartment only to find Tommy and Quackity in deep discussion. Normally they were all jokes and laugh, but Tommy's serious face rethought the situation. Ranboo placed the cereal down and looked at Quackity as if to ask. Big Q nodded and Ranboo went back into the kitchen. They seemed to be discussing someone named Purpled and The Joker. Tubbo walked back into his room, and ignored the conversation in the other room. The apartment had thin walls, but almost everyone was either a villain or a vigilante of some sort. It was a tight knit community. No one knew each other, but they all knew better than to snitch. Tubbo laid against his and Ranboo's bed and sighed. He knew better than to leave. With no powers of his own, he couldn't defend himself properly. However, he remembered a staff that he had made for Tommy. Tommy never used it, claiming it was no use so Tubbo just took it back. When Tubbo started to look in the drawers, he noticed Ranboo's mask was a little dirtier than he last saw. Maybe it was just because of the last time he teleported, or maybe his enderwalk. Either way Tubbo saved that conversation for later. When Tubbo found the staff, he opened it up and looked at it. There were bee's on the design, and it was now dark green instead of Tommy's usual red. Tubbo grinned and shut the staff, shoving it into his jacket pocket. As he walked out the door, he nodded to Tommy, and Tommy nodded back. 

As Tubbo left the complex, he noticed that the area was quieter than usual. He sighed and started to walk over to his fathers house. He knew it was empty, so why not. Tubbo sighed and started to mess around on the way over there, making mental marks of all the camera's that were on the way. As he approached the building, he noticed that there were police surrounding the building. He sighed and walked over towards the building. He saw the pro Electra around the scene and sighed. He rolled his eyes and walked closer to the scene. "Hey, kid, you arent supposed to be here!" Tubbo turned around and flipped off the police. "I used to live here, and I'm visiting, f### off." The woman looked surprised, but became poised again when Electra walked up to the man. "This is a crime scene." Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Let me see what the idiot did first. I used to live here, so I know how stupid he is." Electra paused, then nodded. Tubbo nodded back and started to walk into the house. 

It smelled of smoke and alcohol. First clue: A small fire was started. As Tubbo ventured further, he smelled blaze powder and spider eyes. Second clue: someone was making pots of some kind. When he went into the room at the end of the hallway, he gasped and almost screamed.

Third clue: JSchlatts dead body.

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now