The Man

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[ time skip brought to you by writing in class]

When Tommy showed up to work, he saw Techno walk in the door. Tommy grinned and put the black coffee on the desk, and Techno smirked slightly. “How thoughtful.”  Tommy smirked and punched him on the shoulder, an act he used to be scared of doing. Techno rolled his eyes and sat in his usual spot, and seemingly facepalmed when Wilbur came running to the door, and started walking the closer he got. Tommy held in a laugh, and grabbed a monster from the fridge. Normally it was for Nikki, but by the time Nikki would come back, they would either taste bad or all be stolen by Foolish. Better have Tommy give it to someone who’ll actually drink it. By the time Wilbur got to the counter, Tommy had poured the monster in the coffee cup. “Enjoy Wilbur.” Wilbur grinned and nodded, moving to sit next to Technoblade. Tommy grinned as Wilbur’s eyes widened by the taste of the blue monster. As Tommy worked behind the counter, life seemed as normal as it could get. Until Wilbur left and someone decided to act suspiciously at the tables near the counter. Technoblade glaced at the table every now and then to check if they were doing anything wrong, but couldn't find evidence. As the hours passed, almost all the customers left except for the shady guy, Technoblade, and a bystander. Tommy was the only worker left working and from what Technoblade knew, he wasn’t old enough to carry just yet. Tehcnoblade sighed and ordered a coffee once again. This time, he glanced over at the table, and saw the outline of a knife holster on his thigh. Tommy watched as Technoblade glanced at him every now and then, and sighed. Tommy moved to the man's table, and Technoblade almost opposed the move. However Tommy went anyway. “Oi, if you don’t order something, i’ll have to escort you out.” The man turned to look at Tommy, and Tommy refused to back down. “Will you order something or do I have to escort you out.” The man stayed silent. Tommy sighed and turned back to go to behind the counter when the man pulled the knife out, and held it to the back of Tommy’s neck. Tommy shrugged and moved away from the knife, giving Technoblade room to see what was happening. The man followed Tommy, and Techno was about to chase after Tommy, when Tommy shook his head. Techno sighed and stood back, as Tommy walked into the backrooms. He heard the song cat start playing, but he heard a few grunts and yells as well. The chat was having a ball with this scenario.
Tommy might be being beated
Toms can hold his own guys
And who are you?
Oh hey Chad
Yeah yeah, whatever Chad
Does friend exist here?

Meanwhile with Tommy:

The man went to cut the back of tommys neck, thinking he was ignoring him, but fell when Tommy tripped him. Tommy slammed his foot on the mans back, and he heard a crack of some sort. Tommy grinned, but faltered when he saw the knife had thorns on it. He looked at the man, and saw that he was gripping the knife. Tommy almost yelled, but the man got up, knocking Tommy over. He fell on his back, and was about to yell for help when he felt the knife go on his leg. He winced, and held back a yell as the man cut through the leg. Tommy squeezed his eyes shut, and forced the man off of him, kicking his face, and side. (I aint a doctor don't judge me)

Technoblade was about to yell if he wanted help, when he saw Tommy drag the man out by the hood, the man bruised, and Tommy holding the knife. Tommy limped over to the door, and threw the man out the door. When Tommy  handed Technoblade the knife he seemed his cheery normal self  “Here ya go!”  Technoblade just stood there for a second, as he investigated Tommy for any wounds. Tommy seemed to be fine, but Techno noticed Tommy grow tired, the adrenaline leaving his body.  Technoblade was about to ask if Tommy was ok, when he noticed the knife had blood on it. He took a closer look at Tommy, and saw a wound where the man was the most injured. Techno’s eyes widened and started to apply pressure. Tommy sat down on the counter, while Techno called for an ambulance. Tommy felt tired as he tried to keep himself awake. Technoblade started to ask him questions, but Tommy could only give the answer to one. “Who do I call Tommy?” Tommy looked at Technoblade. “Alex..”

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now