Dream and Vulpes

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As Tommy sat in the hospital, Quackity sat alert, in case someone tried to attack the hospital. Tommy sighed as he messed around on his phone, and posted on his vigilante acc. He noticed some heroes were nicknaming him random things on his account.

Vulpes: He’s certainly a red person

TNT: agreed

Anon 1: hey look their agreeing finally=)
Anon 2: yooooooooooooooooooo
L0cal_Cr0w: wow who woulda guess
NaraBea06: oi crow, get off your phone

Monarch: It’s about time you two agreed
Vulpes: ew
TNT: ew
Monarch: eh i tried

Tommy sat up when he saw the familiar name. He didn't know why the name was familiar, but he recognized it immensely. He went on chrome and looked up Monarch and his eyes lit up when he saw the description

The retired hero that turned to villainy after betraying TNT, Vulpes, Siren and Hellhound formerly known as the Lmanburg hexad. She started to work under the no.1 villain DreamWasTaken the former no1 hero, and the no 2 & 3 villains, SapNap and GeorgeNotFound - formerly called 404 - however they left shortly after to a different division of SMP, formally called Lmanburg, but was then called Manburg, and then back to L’manburg. Monarch has been presumed dead after the no.4 hero Quackity killed them at the altar, however in recent tweets, they have been shown alive.

Tommy frowned slightly, but smirked when he saw SIrens reaction to Monarch's tweet.

Monarch: It’s about time you two agreed
Vulpes: ew
TNT: ew
Monarch: eh i tried

Siren: you also tried to get married, and you say how they went for you

NaraBea06: pop off Siren!!
LocalNikkiSimp: pop off SIREEEN
Monarch: :’)

Tommy held back a laugh as he watched Quckity read the thread. Tommy felt his phone buzz and he looked down to see Quackity’s reply to Siren
Monarch: It’s about time you two agreed
Vulpes: ew
TNT: ew
Monarch: eh i tried
Siren: you also tried to get married, and you say how they went for you

Quacktity_Jester: Want me to try again?
Monarch: No thank you Jester-
Quackity_Jester: worth a shot

Tommy looked up at Quackity to see him dying of laughter. Tommy joined the laughter, until they were told to quiet down by the nurses. Tommy apologized, but continued to laugh. It wasn't until the sun was rising until they got news about Tommy’s leg. “A moment Alex?” Quackity nodded and stood up, following the Dr out of the room.

Tommy recognized the doctor, but stayed silent. They knew what she was doing. When Quackity came back however, he knew something wasn’t right. Quackity looked grim, and the doctor even more so.

“Tommy… The poison in your leg is spreading. If we don't amputate it then it will sp-” “That means I can have a robot leg right?” The room went silent before Quackity started laughing. “I think the kids made up his own mind-” Tommy nodded, and the doctor smiled softly. “Alright then! I’ll get on to getting the paperwork ready!”

As three men walked on the sidewalk, two of them were holding hands. The third was on his phone, sighing every now and then at the tweets. When he put his phone away, he noticed a familiar place. “Hey, Clay we should go to Puffy’s!!” Clay - the tallest- sighed. “Nick, shes still a pro you know?” The shortest - Nick - sighed and nodded then the middle spoke up. “You both are idiots, she can’t do anything while a civilian.” Clay nodded. “Fair enough George.” “YAY! Gogy thank you!” George sighed and shook his head as the youngest ran over to puffy’s.

As Wilbur paced the waiting room, he watched as Quackity walked out of Tommy’s room. “Don’t worry Wilbur, he’ll be alright. It’s just a surgery to make sure he lives.” Wilbur sighed. “I’m guessing that’s why-”  Quackity nodded. Wilbur sighed. “How dare you use your villainy for good things.”  Quackity laughed as they sat down, and Wilbur started to play solitaire on his phone.
Quakity  rolled his eyes as he started to get mad at the AI. “Come on Wilbur, you're getting angry at an AI just doing its job!” Wilbur sighed and stood up. “I’m getting coffee, I’m running on no sleep and a stupid traitor contacted me through twitter.” Quackity nodded. “Hey, can you get me some random coffee?” Wilbur nodded and walked out.
As Quackity waited, the time seemed to slow. Few people came in to ask him questions about how Tommy was doing. Quackity didn’t recognize any of them, until a familiar redhead walked in, his hat too big for his head. He sat next to Quackity and sighed.
His tail thumped against the ground softly. “Hello Fundy.” Fundy nodded. “How is the kid Wilbur won’t shut up about?” Quackity sighed. “He’s gonna look like a cyborg.. Fundy don't give me that look, the kid said it himself before the surgery started!” Fundy stopped glaring at Quackity and started to laugh. Just as the two calmed down, Wilbur came back with the coffee.
“Q I’m back with the- Oh hello Fundy!” Fundy nodded at his father before standing up. “I was sent to check on you, but you were here so I waited. Any message for Phil since I’m the messenger?” Wilbur shook his head, and ruffled Fundy’s hair as he walked out of the hospital. Fundy groaned and went out the doors. As Wilbur sat down, he handed Quackity the coffee. The two sat in silence aside from Quackity burning his mouth which was really funny to Wilbur, who was forced to burn his mouth. As the two laughed over the stupid coffee debat, the docter walked out, which earned silence from the two.
“Tommy is recovering from the surgery, but it will take a while to get his prosthetic ready. Just know that he shouldn't run for a while.” Quackity nodded. “Thank you Ponk.” Ponk nodded and Wilbur watched confused as they left. “How do you know them? She doesn't even have his nametag on?” Quackity shrugged. “It’s hard to forget those eyes that healed a certain scar of mine. I still hate Technoblade.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes and sighed. “Can’t say it wasn’t justified though.” The two sat in silence until Tubbo and Ranboo came rushing into the hospital. The first thing that Tubbo did however was headbutt Quackity, who barely budged. “Hello to you too Son.” Wilbur starred as Tubbo grinned at Quackity, then latched onto Ranboo. “No wonder you act that way, Alex is your parent.” Tubbo laughed slightly, but glared at Wilbur when Ranboo and Quackity looked away. Wilbur stuck his tongue out at him back, only to be met with Ponk coming back.
“Tommy is awake now, but he requested Mr.Beloved and Mr.Underscore be with him first.” Wilbur and Quackity nodded and the two young adults ran over to their friend. As the two adults waited, they heard laughter from Tommy’s room. The two looked at each other and shrugged.


As Vulpes ran over to the bakery, he noticed that someone was running behind him. His ears perked and he jumped up. When he landed and turned around he was met with a kick to the gut. Vulpes rolled on the ground and looked up. His eyes widened as Dream leaned over him. His tail stopped thumping as the two stared before Vulpes went to bite his leg, but was met with another kick. Vulpes growled and Dream grabbed his ears and forced him to look up. As Vulpes looked around, he saw that GeorgeNotFound and SapNap were both behind him, and conversing about what to do with backup if it ever came. As Vulpes attention turned to Dream, he noticed that Dream was now holding a knife. Vulpes eyes widened and looked at Dream’s mask. “I- Cough- I fing hate you..” Dream’s never changing mask smiled down upon him as Vulpes felt the knife start to tear at his tail.

And now you wait for me to finish the other chapters  >:)

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now