3: Civilian(?)

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(originally supposed to be released near Tubbos Birthday)

As Tommy ran out the door, he heard Tubbo yelling of excitement. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TUBS!" Tommy yelled behind him as he ran faster. He was almost late to his early shift when he went through the door and ran behind the counter, almost jumping over it. "SORRY NIKKI!" Nikki smiled softly. "No problem Tommy, I was late opening today." Tommy sighed greatfully. As he tied the apron around his waist, he saw some people trickle in. He grinned as he saw his favorite customer walk in. "Hello there pinky!" The pinkette frowned. "I've told you not to call me that." Tommy smiled playfully. "Whatever Pinky, you getting the usual?" The pinkette nodded and Tommy went behind the counter to grab to already made by Nikki coffee, with a donut. As he walked to the front and rang up his order, he saw a taller man beside him. "You want something too giant?" The taller man almost grinned, but was hit in the gut before being able to respond. "No he only came to bug me- of course he wants an order." Tommy laughed and leaned on the counter. "What would you like you beanstalk?" The talk man held back a snicker, and told his order. "And who do I name this cup for?" The pinkette gives out an exasperate gasp. "So he gets to use his real name? Real mature Theseus." Tommy faked a offended gasp. "How dare you Pinky!" Tommy retorted sarcastically. The taller laughed and gave his name. "Put Wilbur ok there." Tommy nodded and went back to grab the cup to write on. "Ok so it's spelled W-I-L-B-U-R?" Wilbur nodded and Pink sighed. "Will I ever get you to use my name?" Tommy feigned a thought for a second before sticking his tongue out and walking back, where Nikki had already made Wilbur's drink. "You know Mr.Oak tree?" Nikki nodded. "We went karaoke last night, he's the friend I keep talking about!" Tommy nodded and grabbed Wilbur's drink to ring up. Wilbur nodded greatfully and ran out the door after noticing the time. Pink stayed for a little bit however. Tommy glanced at the Pinkette after a while. His hair was long, but never up in any form. Tommy wondered what it would take to mess with his hair. Probably a few limbs.

The rest of the shift went smoothly, and Tommy was getting ready to close. (Don't worry he had a long break in-between)  As he cleaned the counter, he remembered about the disc player that Nikki had installed months prior. As he pressed play on whatever was already in the box, he heard the sweet tune of Cat play. Tommy grinned and grabbed a broom, starting to sweep behind the counter. As he swayed to the tune, he didn't hear the sound of a door opening. He hummed along to the song, not aware of his surroundings until he heard the sound of a gun clicking. He pretended to ignore his surroundings until he felt someone touch his shoulder. He turned around and swung, only to be met with TNT once again. He almost frowned until remembering he was in civilian mode. He smiled awkwardly, as TNT turned to him. "You really need to lock the door you child." Tommy frowned. "I'm not in charge with locking the door, the owner is." TNT and Tommy stared at each other before TNT sighed. Tommy turned away from the hero. "Just make sure the doors are locked next time. Nice punch by the way." Tommy whirled around, about to thank the hero, until it was realized he did one of those disappearing  things. When the hero gets the final word and vanishes. Tommy frowned at that. He didn't like it when people he was having a conversation with disappeared on him. He groaned and finished sweeping, putting on his earbuds, and clicking a random song. As Tommy walked to the train, he watched as random people interacted, grabbed books, their phones, anything. Tommy sighed and waited. As he reached his stop, he realized that he forgot his bag of vigilante stuff at the apartment. Tommy groaned and started to walk over to the apartment. He froze when he saw Technoblade in front of the building the apartments were in. He paused before continuing his walk. He almost made it past the hero before he heard Technoblade. "Hey." Tommy froze before turning around, hiding his fear. Apparently he didn't hide it that well because Technoblade sighed. "No need to be scared, just asking why you're going in there." Tommy cracked his neck before answering. "My roommates are in there-? And I forgot something that I need." Technoblade nodded slightly. "Ok then. There's a scene on the top floor." Tommy nodded and walked into the building. He went down the stairs and went into the apartment. He facepalmed when he thought of climbing in the window.

(To explain: there's one bottom floor, and the windows are ground level, the floor is not ground level. There are two floors above the "ground" level)

As he walked through the front door, he heard Tubbo and Ranboos streaming. He laughed silently before walking into his and Tubbos' shared room. At some point Tubbo was going into Ranboos room, but they haven't worked out yet.

( I'll draw the basic look of the apartment soon lol)

As he went into his shared room, he grabbed his back and walked out. He knocked on the door letting the pair know that he was headed out and walked out the apartment.  As he walked past Technoblade again, he saw eyes on him. He shook his head and started to run over towards the corner, he thought about the altercation that had just happened with one of the pro heroes. Tommy shivered at the thought of being followed. He watched as the Sun started to lower, and started to put on his jacket. His mask went on first, and then his jacket. He changed into his boots that were thrifted a year ago, and then put up his hood. He breathed out a laugh and started to climb onto the roof. On the way up, he put the earpiece that tubbo had made two years ago in his ear and started to slowly walk over to the apartment again. As he watched on the roof, he saw Technoblade still standing where he was. The police cars were gone, the ambulances were gone, and all the police officers were gone as well. So why was a pro hero standing there? Tommy sighed and turned around, starting to run away from the apartment. As he ran on the rooftop he paused at the ledge. He heard someone climbing onto the roof. He sighed and turned around, expecting to have a gun in his face, but was instead met with TNT. His eyes widened slightly, and he was about to fall over when he hushed him and held onto his shirt. TNT seemed disheveled, and very concerned. “You're the vigilante from yesterday.” Tommy nodded slowly, ready to jump at a moment's notice. TNT muttered something and looked back at Tommy. “There’s a few people meeting up in 3 hours just east of here.” TNT let go of Tommy, looking as if he was expecting him to move immediately. Instead Tommy thought for a second. He didn't know whether to trust the hero. He sighed and pulled out the smoke bomb, pulling the pin and slamming it on the ground. Tommy could hear TNT coughing violently as the smoke before hearing a sentence he would not have expected. “Cherry scented?”

As TNT recovered from the smoke bomb, he breathed in and noticed a familiar scent. “Cherry scented?” He muttered. His comm blinked and tore TNT from his thought process, telling him to go back to Electra for a report for the patrol. As TNT walked over to around the base, he sighed and walked in the pro heroes area. As he wandered through the normal chaos of the new and old heroes running around the small area. As he walked up the stairs, he heard the familiar sound of Fundy running up next to him. “Hey TNT, I have a question! Why do you smell like cherries?” TNT paused, then looked away. “Some vigilante threw a cherry scented smoke bomb at me to get away.” Fundy held in a laugh to nod and walk down the stairs. TNT frowned and opened the SBI office door. He fell backwards however, when Electra was right in front of him. “AH-” Electra caught him by the collar and sighed out. “You alright mate?” TNT nodded and let out a breath. As TNT walked into the office, Electra followed him. “You doing alright?” TNT nodded. “Yeah, just recovering from a smoke bomb..” Electra didn't even hesitate to laugh before expressing his concern. “Are you sure?” TNT paused before responding. “Remember that vigilante from yesterday?” Electra nodded before gasping. “So it was them then?” TNT nodded. Electra sighed before taking off his mask. “You sure your alright son?” TNT nodded, before taking off his mask. “I'm sure Phil.”  Phil smiled softly at that. “Alright Wilbur.”

[DISCONTINUED] Cherry Bomb and the Hero's that got stuck with em Where stories live. Discover now