Chapter 10

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All Mevia could hear was the booming of TNT explosions and the horrified screams of innocent townspeople. With every blast and scream, the more the unsettling memory arose into Mevia's thoughts. The Games, those horrible, wretched games. Her stomach churned at the sight of Magnus's home town.

"Okay, this is much worse than I thought," Mevia thought to herself.

She took a moment to collect herself, taking a couple deep breaths. While doing this, she looked around and spotted the main tower. Once she had finally collected herself, Mevia started to make her way to the main obsidian tower in the west wing of the town.

After about an hour of carefully treading the hazardous terrain, she had finally made it up to the tower's entrance. Hesitantly, Mevia knocked on the iron door. There was no response, which puzzled the pale cyan-haired builder. Before she could attempt to knock again, the floor disappeared from under her. Her head painfully hit the ground below the trap, causing Mevia's vision to blur. Not long afterwards, the older woman passed out on the ground.

A couple minutes later, she started to regain consciousness. The enforcer managed to slowly blink her eyes open and look up at the griefer hovering over her. He held out a hand to her, to which she accepted. The griefer in green pulled her to her feet while chuckling,

"You know, I thought you would have seen that one coming."

"I'm not as young as I used to be," Mevia said, rolling her eyes playfully at the younger male.

Magnus nudged her side playfully, "So, what brings you to this hellhole that I call home?"

"Long story short, Romeo is back and he has captured Jesse and Jessica," Mevia responded.

The griefer's eyes widened, "Oh, well if that's the case... We should probably get going!"

Mevia nodded as the rouge led her out of the obsidian spire. As the pair made their way through the town, some of the other griefers saw Magnus. Shouts and battle cries rang out as a gang of griefers started to chase them.

When Mevia noticed this, she shoved Magnus away and pulled out her twin axes. She turned around to face the gang of griefers chasing after them. She got down into her fighting stance as the gang drew closer and closer to them. As she prepared herself for an attack, one of them managed to sneak up on her front a building a couple feet behind her. Magnus's eyes widened as he tried to quickly scramble off the ground. Sadly, he was too late. A loud BOOM rang through the air. Debris and sand flew into the air before raining down and covering everyone in the area with dust. This caused the gang to scatter and run off.

Once all the dust had cleared away, Magnus wiped some debris from his face. He squinted while looking around the area for any sign of the older woman. That's when he noticed a spot of pale cyan underneath some fallen brick blocks. The rouge worriedly rushed over before frantically hurling the heavy blocks off of her. After managing to get all of them off, he got down on his knees beside the unconscious woman.

"Come on, Mevia! Wake up!" Magnus shouted while shaking her violently.

Mevia let out a small, incoherent groan, much to the rouge's relief. As she fluttered her eyes open, Magnus gently took one of her arms around his neck. He slowly helped her onto her feet once again, the enforcer wincing as she put pressure on her right ankle. The rouge sighed as he took his other arm around her torso to keep her steady.

"You do realize how reckless that was, right?" Magnus asked her.

Mevia kept her gaze to the ground and muttered, "At least you didn't get hurt..."

Magnus rolled his eyes as he escorted Mevia back to the nether portal.


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