Chapter 1

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It had been a couple years since Hadrian and Cassie Rose's second, and final, defeat. Knowing that there were no more possible threats that they were aware of, everyone was finally able to relax and unwind. Unless you were Otto, that is.

Since any possible threats were dealt with or had been dormant for so long, Harper and Mevia both agreed that now was a great time to focus on training Otto to help him control his powers. Ivor also volunteered to stay and help the two women. Today was the start of it all. Harper and Ivor stood off to the side to observe, while Mevia, on the other hand, was the one leading today's session. Mevia held a snowball in her hand and the others were on the ground. She stood a few feet away from Otto.

"Alright Otto, I want you to block these snowballs from hitting you with your telekinesis, okay?" Mevia said.

Otto nodded, his eyes turning golden, "Bring it on!"

Mevia took the snowball and threw it as hard and fast as she could. The snowball flew across the room at a fast pace. Otto reached out a hand as it started to glow. The snowball slowed down gradually, until it came to a stop inches away from Otto's hand.

Mevia nodded with a hum, "Good, now try to hit me with it."

Otto nodded. His eyes and hand started to glow as he built up a bit of strength. He swung his hand to the side, causing the snowball to fly back at Mevia. Mevia noticed how fast it was going this time. Not wanting to get hit with what was practically a cannonball, she dodged to the side as it flew past her. This caused the snowball to fly right into Ivor's face, covering his hair, face, and beard in the white, slushy substance.

"Oops, sorry Ivor," Otto winced.

Ivor chuckled, wiping his face off with his hand, "You're fine. It's not your fault it hit me." He playfully glared at Mevia.

"Well sorry I didn't feel like being hit with a snowball going as hard and fast as a damn cannonball," Mevia said defensively.

Harper chuckled as she looked back at her husband. She stopped when she noticed a light pink bruise starting to form around his right eye. She cupped his cheek and turned him to face her.

"What's the matter?" Ivor asked, wincing as Harper stroked her thumb over the bruise.

Harper ignored his question as she continued to examine his eye. Ivor sighed and took a hand to her wrist. He gently brought her hand down from his face before kissing it. This caused Harper to yelp in surprise, bright pink blush coming over her cheeks.

"Um, Ivor. You have a black eye," Harper answered finally.

Otto winced, turning away in embarrassment for a second. Ivor chuckled rubbing his eye a bit. Otto walked over to him and placed his hand over Ivor's eye. Otto's hand and the bruise around Ivor's eye started to glow. Suddenly, the glowing stopped and the bruise disappeared. Ivor was finally able to open his eye without wincing.

"Thanks, but you realize I had a potion for that right?" Ivor said pulling out a potion from his bag.

Otto shrugged, "It's good practice."

Harper chuckled, "Seems like that's the only portion of your powers that you can actually control."

Otto glared at her playfully, "Shut up."

"Make me!" Harper exclaimed teasingly.

Otto used his power to take a snowball from off the ground. He chucked it at her gently, leaving Harper covered in snow. Harper wiped off her face, smirking at him.

"So that's how you're gonna play, huh now?" Harper chuckled.

Otto let out a playful "hmph" at this, turning his cheek towards her. This was a bad idea, however, because Harper decided to get her revenge. She stole a snowball and chucked it at Otto. Thankfully, Otto was able to stop it from hitting his face as his eyes started glowing. His hands were at his sides though.

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