Chapter 9

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After entering the Portal to the twin's world, the group landed right in front of the Old Order's temple. Everyone landed on their feet with ease while Milo had landed straight on his face, groaning in pain.

"Why me?" Milo whined but it was muffled by the stone bricks.

Isa's eyes widened as she turned to face him, "Oh sweet Notch and Jeb! Are you okay?"

"I've been better..." Milo replied, lifting his face up from the ground.

Isa held out a hand to Milo, to which he accepted. She helped her husband up to his feet while he pulled himself up. Milo took a hand to his nose when he felt a sharp stinging sensation in it. Otto noticed a bit of blood dripping from under his hand and walked over to Milo.

"Let me see," he said.

Milo sighed as he moved his hand away from his bloody nose. Otto winced a bit at the sight of his bruised up nose before placing two of his fingers on the bridge of Milo's nose. His irises turned gold as the bridge of Milo's nose glowed under his fingers. The others watched as the bruising and swelling on Milo's nose started to fade off. The blood that had dripped from his nose disintegrated in front of their eyes.

Once he finished, Otto took his fingers off the bridge of Milo's nose. Milo rubbed his nose absentmindedly, almost shocked by how the sharp stinging had all faded away so quickly. Isa had a shocked look on her face from witnessing Otto's healing abilities, and when the others saw her look, they chuckled at her. Isa playfully glared at the group before they calmed down and headed inside.

Ivor explained to them that the traps were disabled ever since the New Order explored the temple, reassuring the group that they were safe. They made their way through, hoping that the Old Order would be congregating in the temple. When they arrived, their eyes widened when they saw the Old Order wasn't there. The others started to assume the worst, but Ivor turned to face them all.

"Look, they could be back at their homes. There's no need to worry," Ivor reassured them.

Harper nodded, "True, we should all split up. We could get to each of them quicker if we do that."

"We have a system in the nether that will make traveling to each place quicker. Follow me!" Ivor commanded before heading out of the temple.

The rest of the group followed him as they all rushed to the nether portal outside of the temple. The group followed Ivor into the portal where they were met with a tall nether brick building. He led them inside before explaining where each other the railways went. Isa and Milo agreed to go after Gabriel, Harper agreed to go with Ivor after Ellegaard, Otto agreed to go after Soren, and Mevia agreed to go after Magnus. Ivor looked over at Mevia, a bit worried.

"You realize BoomTown is incredibly dangerous, right? You could get hurt!" Ivor said worriedly.

Mevia nodded, "I know, which is why I want to go. I'd rather risk getting myself hurt than guarantee that one of you gets hurt."

"Just be careful, we can't have you getting hurt too badly," Harper sighed.

Mevia chuckled, "Harper, you know I can handle myself! Besides, what's the worst that could happen?"

Otto walked over and hugged Mevia close. Mevia smiles as she hugged him back, placing her head on his shoulder.

"Please be safe," Otto whispered in her ear, running his fingers through her pale cyan hair.

Mevia pulled away from the hug and chuckled, "I'll be fine. It can't be that bad."

Otto sighed as he made his way over to the track that led to Soren's fortress. The rest of the group did the same, getting in front of their respective railways. Each of them set down their minecarts before hopping in and activating the power rails. With that, they split off in opposite directions.

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