Chapter 4

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The throbbing pain in his head was unbearable. He groaned as his eyes blinked open and adjusted to the lack of light. The room was cold and dim. He shivered as he looked around the room. Then, his eyes fell on a teary eyed Jessica. She let out a relieved sigh as her brother sat up. He went to stand, but when he attempted to, the chains around his wrists pulled him down. This caused Jesse to yelp before falling right onto his butt.

"It's not use, Jesse. Romeo's got us trapped," Jessica said sadly.

Jesse growled as he violently yanked on the chains a couple times. His sister sighed as she looked at the ground. Suddenly,  the sound of a lock disengaging could be heard. The twins looked up just as Romeo opened the door and walked in. He smirked at them teasingly.

"How's it going guys?" Romeo teased, "I hope you're comfy, because you're going to be here for a while now."

Jesse scowled, "Leave Beacontown alone, you prick!"

"Aw, what's wrong? Is little Jesse scared?" Romeo mocked followed by a maniacal  chuckle.

"You better not hurt our friends!" Jesse exclaimed angrily.

Romeo sighed, "I won't hurt them. I just want your humble little town."

"Well, you can't have it!" Jesse shouted at the Admin.

Romeo walked up to him before crouching down and grabbing Jesse by the chin. Romeo jerked his head up so that Jesse looked him in the eyes.

"Oh really?" Romeo asked, "And who, pray tell, is going to stop me?"

Jesse let out a low growl, "I swear on my grave, I will beat your ass!"

Romeo chuckled as he let go of Jesse's chin. He stood back up on his feet and sighed. Jessica scowled at him while sending him a glare that, if looks could kill, he'd be a dead man.

"We won't let you take our town!" Jessica exclaimed.

Romeo turned to face her with a smirk coming over his lips. He walked towards the middle of the room. He chuckled as he started to levitate upwards. Suddenly, he split into two. One of his forms took on Jesse's appearance, while the other took on Jessica's. The twins gasped in shock, their jaws practically almost coming off their skulls from how low they were dropped. Romeo was planning to take over Beacontown looking like them.

"Well, we'd love to stay and chat, but I believe we have a town to take over. Don't we Jess?" admin Jesse said.

Admin Jessica chuckled, "Oh yes we do, my dear brother. Bye, bye losers!"

The clones chuckled before teleporting out of the base. Jesse looked at Jessica with their jaws stills dropped in complete and utter shock. Their town was about to be taken over, but the town wouldn't even know it wasn't them.


Harper paced around the living room as Ivor, Mevia, and Otto watched with concern. Her endless circling around the room leaving her in a void of thought and worry. Otto and Mevia glanced at each other, the latter wincing a bit and shrugging her shoulders. Suddenly, she stopped before turning to face the interracial pair. The pair looking away from each other and to the woman now looking down at them.

"So let me get this straight," Harper said, rubbing her temples, "You somehow, out of nowhere, grew wings over night?"

Otto nodded, "I guess, I'm not too sure of that myself."

"I don't think any of us are," Mevia added.

Harper looked over at her husband, who had stuffed his nose into a book. She sighed as she walked over to him. She grabbed the book before lowering it it so that he was now looking at her. Ivor shook his head before looking back up to see an annoyed look on his wife's face.

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