Chapter 2

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-Vision Starts-

Otto walked through the streets of Beacontown, but this didn't look like the Beacontown he knew. The sky was crimson read and layered with dark grey clouds. The town seemed gloomy with some of its citizens strolling through with their gazes on the ground.  There were also large black golems with purple markings  following them and guarding certain places around the town.

"What happened here?" Otto asked himself.

He continued down the walkway, looking around at all of the buildings. All the plants were withered and black, and the water displays were replaced by lava. Then, Otto bumped into Jesse, or what he though to be Jesse. Jesse's eyes were red with glowing gold pupils, and so were Jessica's.

"Jesse, Jessica!" Olivia exclaimed.

The twins' eyes changed back to normal  as their friends approached them. Otto's heart stopped for a second. Those eyes, he recognized those eyes, but he couldn't remember where. Suddenly, Jesse's figure flashed into someone else. It stopped flashing on Romeo's figure. Otto's golden eyes widened in shock when Romeo turned to face him. Romeo walked forwards, causing Otto to back away. Otto backed up into a wall as Romeo got up in his face.

"How can he see me?" Otto thought.

Romeo grabbed Otto by the collar of his robe. Then, he lifted Otto off the ground with his feet dangling a foot off the ground.

Romeo chuckled, "So, we meet again. You know, I was only allowed to use so much of my power around Hadrian and Cassie. But now, now I'm alone, and no one can hold me back."

Otto gulped before breaking out into a cold sweat. His throat felt as if it was closing, making it harder for him to breathe properly. Otto was silently panicking and knew he needed to calm himself down.

"Once I'm done with Beacontown, I'm coming for you, your girlfriend, and your friends. And, there's nothing you can do about it,"  Romeo threatened.

Romeo finally let Otto drop to the ground. Romeo walked away as a familiar white void took over Otto's vision.

-Vision Ends-


Otto jolted awake, sitting up in the bed. His throat was sore, making it hard for him to steady his breathing. This caused Mevia to stir before sitting up in the bed as well. Otto was practically gasping for air with a hand over his heart.

"Otto, what happened?" Mevia asked tiredly, rubbing her eyes.

Otto couldn't respond from how panicked he was.

Mevia's eyes widened, "Otto, calm down!"

Mevia placed a hand on Otto's shoulder. This caused Otto's breathing to slow down as he started to calm down. After a couple minutes, Otto's breathing had finally settled back to normal and his muscles relaxed. He took his hand off his chest before looking at Mevia. Mevia looked into her boyfriend's golden eyes, that were still filled to the brim with fear.

"Now, tell me what happened," Mevia said, this time it was not a question.

Otto sighed, "I had a vision."

"O-kay, but why did it make you panic that badly?" Mevia asked worriedly.

Otto frowned at her, "It's nothing you should worry about. Besides, I could have just mistaken it for a very realistic nightmare."

"Otto, don't lie to me. What happened?" Mevia said, a bit annoyed with his lying.

Otto sighed, "It's about Romeo. He's going to escape and get revenge on the twins."

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