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"How much longer are you two going to be? I'm tired." A voice sounded from the back of the room where a body laid across the couch in partial sleep.

"Hyung— I tell you every time, you don't have to come." The tall brunette mumbled, while spinning his chair from the sound board to look at the other male.

You muffle a chuckle when you hear an unintelligible slur of words respond back.

"Taehyung, why don't we pick this up next time? You guys are filming tomorrow anyways, so you should get some sleep." You suggest leaning against the wall, with tea in hand.

"I know, but this song is so close to being done, and I just really want to finish it for ARMY." Taehyung lets out an exasperated sigh, turning himself back around to face the monitors.

"ARMY understands that you want this to be perfect; what they won't want is you stressing yourself out over it." You state matter-of-factly; walking over to him and placing a hand on his right shoulder.

"You're right." He sighs again "As always... But can you check out this part one more time?"

"Alright. Then we're calling it a day." You say firmly.

Taeyhung rolls his chair over to the left so you can reach the set of headphones hanging on a stand. As you're listening to the part in the track he requested, you lean over the desk to reread the lyrics the three of you wrote down during the recording session. The track ends and you take off the headphones, placing them on the desk.

You turn around and cross your bare arms over your chest, as you go to speak without looking at either boy.

"Honestly I think-" you start.

"Y/N... you have a yellow balloon...." Yoongi cuts you off.

You look up shocked. As you make eye contact, you realize all three of you have the same shocked expression.

Your breath hitches as you instinctively reach over your shoulder to touch where your soulmate tattoo sits on your back.

"Uh... yea. Kind of random right?" You fail to play off with a slightly too nervous chuckle. "Of all things, a yellow balloon."

There's a moment of silence before Yoongi stands from the couch and begins speaking.

"Do you know who-?"

"N-" You try cutting off the question, but Taehyung interrupts you.

"Liar." He barks, with an aggression laced in his voice that makes you jump. "You can't lie to me, so don't try now."

You look away from your twin flame, chewing on your bottom lip, unable to face him.

"How long have you known?" He demands.

You take a deep breath, failing to come up with a plan to weasel your way out of the conversation. This is not one you wanted to have, ever. If only you hadn't taken your sweater off.

Normally you're more careful hiding your soulmate mark. Always wearing things that hide it, and leaving your hair down. You never wanted anyone to find out about it.

"Y/N" Taehyung warns, when you take too long to answer.

"I don't know, like two months?" You exclaim, throwing your arms into the air as you walk away from your position against the desk.

"TWO MONTHS?!" Yoongi practically shouts in disbelief. "You've known for two months and you haven't told him?!"

"Oh right, because it's so easy to tell someone, who blatantly says he wishes he didn't have a soulmate and hates the whole concept of it, that I'm his soulmate." The words rush from your mouth before you can stop them. "I've never even talked to him before. I don't think he's even noticed me. You get what that means right? Our bond is dulled because of his hate for it."

"Trust me, Y/N. I know that's what it seems like, but he doesn't hate it." Taehyung counters "He doesn't trust it, he's been used before because of it. People have used it to try to get things from him. He's just hurt."

"A lot of people have been hurt by having a 'soulmate', Tae. We don't all choose to hurt our soulmates because of it." You make your way over to the couch, not trusting your legs to keep you standing up.

Both boys stay quiet staring at you unsure of what to say to defend their friend without damaging the current situation. You interlock your hands, leaning forward in your seat.

"-Please," You finally say, staring at your hands. "Don't tell anyone."

They glance at each other, worry evident on their faces.

"You have to promise me you wont tell anyone, especially him. He can't find out." You look at them, faces completely blank.

Your twin flame nods slowly, nudging his hyung to agree.

"We promise." Yoongi finally says.

"Just promise us, that if anything happens you call us." Taehyung begs.

"Ok, fine." You nod. "You guys should go now."

Yoongi and Taehyung grab their things and make their way to the door, both mumbling a goodnight as they exit the room, shutting the door behind them. You are left with the realization that your secret is out. It had been weighing on you for the past two months like carrying the whole country on your shoulders. However, the change and the panic that came with it weren't something you were ready to face.

Leaning back on the couch, you stare at the ceiling and fall back into that memory from 2 months ago which you so desperately have tried to erase.

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