Finally Warm

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"I just have to take a phone call." You call out to the guys in the dorm living room.

Namjoon nods at you as they begin to open up the boxes of pizza. It was movie night tonight at the dorms. You had planned tonight specifically, Tae was currently picking up Mi Young. While the rest of the members, except one, were hankering down for the 3rd movie of the night.

You quietly escape their dorm apartment, shutting the door silently behind you.

"Hello?" You answer your phone, beginning to make your way up to the rooftop veranda.

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Jimin replies from the other end of the line.

"So you made it there ok?" You smile sadly.

"Yea, thankfully no one recognizes me." He replies excitedly. "The Kosmos weaver says it should take about 45 minutes or so from start to finish."

"You sound excited." You comment. You open the door to the roof, using your shoulder.

"I am! I feel like I'm going to be free for the first time since getting my mark." He sighs.

"I really am happy for you Jimin." Your smile never falters.

'We'll both be free' You think to yourself. You would make it through this. You promised Tae, Yoongi .... And yourself.

"They just called my name! I got to go." He chirps. "But y/n, thank you. Your support in this means so much to me. I'm really glad we met."

"I'll always support you Jimin, you deserve to be happy." Nothing could be more true than those words spoken.

"I'll see you after this ok?" He asks.

"Yea." You breathe deeply. "I'll see you after."

You hang up the phone and put it into the back pocket of your jeans, after placing it on silent. Leaning on the glass barrier that surrounds the veranda, your gaze falls on the sunset. If this was going to be the last sunset you were going to see, then you are going to enjoy it. Every last second of it.

Eventually you begin to feel a heat radiate from your right hip. Standing up, you lift your shirt slightly to see a crack along your skin, glowing golden. Another appears on your left arm, you smile to yourself. At Least it's warm. No more worrying about the dull, painfully cold ache that has wrapped itself around your body like a cocoon. This was different, there was a strange comfort in this lull you found yourself slipping into.

You smile to yourself, as more golden cracks appear on your flesh. You welcome the heat they brought to your body. You think about the boys in the dorm below you, you think of Yoongi and Tae specifically. All that you had gone through with them. All that you had put them through.

You can feel the cracks snaking across your entire being, including your soul mirror. You close your eyes and breathe deep. Finally you can fully relax. Opening your eyes, you see the golden glittering dust float around you, almost like it's dancing in the wind. More and more flutter through the air and looking down you realize, it's all coming from you.

You feel the thread bond thinning. You feel like you can finally speak. Finally say the words that this madness has been forbidding you to say. Constricting you, freezing you from being able to voice these words.

"Jimin, I'm your soulmate."

The gold dust shoots higher into the air, reflecting the colours of the sunset before you. You extend your hand into the air above you, watching the cracks bursting with light forming on your limb. You can see gold swim in your iris'. All you feel is warmth, and weightlessness.

Then there is nothing but gold. You can no longer see anything but gold. You smile to yourself once again, before you feel your body fall.

You feel nothing as you hit the veranda.

You feel nothing as you hit the veranda

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 ** Hi Loves,

 Just a quick note here! I have written 3 different endings to this series and I'll be posting all of them. It's up to you to pick your favourite! And please let me know which one you where hoping for, because I'm super curious. 

As well, there will be a second part to this series. These special bonus chapters will all be in Jimins POV! If there id anything you'd love to see what was going on with him then please let me know.

XoXo Nym

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