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Maybe only having 4 hours of sleep last night was a bad idea. The thought crossed your mind as you made your way into the Bighit building.

You had stayed late last night in the studio, furiously working on a track with one of the lead producers. It was around 1 in the morning when you finally finished, closer to 2 by the time you lay down and allowed your eyes to wander shut. You had to work in the morning, lucky for the other producer, they did not.

So there you were, 4 hours of sleep, coffee half finished in hand walking down the long hallways of the enormous building.

As you made your way past the dance practice room, you heard the faint beat of a song. A song you had helped work on for BTS. You couldn't help yourself as you noticed the door was open a crack, you had shuffled your way over to the opening to catch a peak of the choreography.

You peered into the room; the world slowed down. All sounds became deafeningly quiet; your heart beat had been the only thing you could hear. Having nothing to keep you grounded, everything faded to the man dancing and the soulmate mark on his right hip.

There was nothing you wanted more in this world than to look away. To stop staring at the yellow balloon that had screamed at you from across the room. You watched him glide along the floor with ease, his oversized grey t-shirt moved to expose the tattoo over and over again. You begged yourself not to look up, not to look at his face. However, your body betrayed you. Ever so slowly your eyes trailed up, as you braced yourself for what you hoped would never happen.

Yet it did.

The world fell away as you involuntarily began to hold your breath. Galaxies filled your view, the colours reflecting in your eyes. You shoot past celestial bodies following the golden thread, approaching its anchor: a figure standing in the middle of the universe on a mirrored disk, encircled by the golden trace, snaking its way into his shirt. He smiled off into the distance, not noticing you. You admired his silhouette, until you were pulled away forcefully and the air had rushed back into your body. You crashed back to reality; back into the hallway of Bighit, to the realization of what had just happened.

Your own yellow balloon soulmate tattoo felt incredibly warm on your shoulder. You began to panic, body turned to ice, eyes darted anywhere and everywhere. Unable to focus on anything, the body finally decided to do something about the situation. It had one answer; drop your coffee and run. You sprinted towards your studio to have a minute in the safety of the secluded room.

With panic risin you could feel yourself slipping into a panic attack, you pushed your legs to keep going. To get away from your soulmate, but you weren't paying attention to your surroundings and crashed into a large, solid body. You fell to the ground and looked up quickly to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I should have been watching where I was going." You said out of breath. Warmth began to re-enter your body, the soulmate tattoo cooled and you felt like you could finally catch your breath.

"Uh-its ok." The deep voice eventually responded, clearly shocked by not only being barrelled into at top speed but something else...something that you could only have described as adoration.

"You're-" He began but was cut off by a voice calling him from down the hallway.

Your body chilled once again, breaking you out of what little comfort you had felt by the man in front of you. You stood up, once again apologizing and continued to the studio, not daring to look back again. You managed to get inside the studio and shut the door. You sat on the floor, back to the door as you tried to regain your breath; regain your bearings.

You'd found your soulmate.

You'd thought leaving home, moving countries even, would have lowered your chances of finding your soulmate. The only thing you associated with soulmates was pain. The madness that it could lead to. The promises you'd made to yourself if you had ever found yours.

But that's when you felt it. The pain, almost unbearable. You felt your soul mirror crack, then crack again and again. Why? cracks, already? What happened? As the pain disappeared a new pain developed. And you realized, you had completely your half of the bond. He should have noticed, he should have felt the pull when you saw him.

It's an unstoppable moment for soulmates. When one sees the other, the other feels it and will look for their soulmate. They'll go through the soul journey and see each other at the end.

But he didn't. He didn't feel anything. You went through your journey alone. You felt numb at the realization; he had closed off his side of the bond. There had to be some type of explanation but you couldn't think of one that could satisfy your mind.

Then the mirror pain came again, another crack. Not only did he not feel you but now he was rejecting the bond. That's what it was, he was rejecting the soulmate bond.

Soul mirrors only crack when one side verbally refuses the bond, but not fully rejects it. Things like "I wish I didn't have a soulmate", "this soulmate bond thing is stupid", "I hope I never find my soulmate"; you learned these things in school. You were taught all about soulmates and how not everyone had one, and even twin flames, which were almost unheard of now.

You looked up at the monitors and realized your meeting is supposed to start soon. Slowly you picked yourself back up, pain slipping away you decided you'd talk to him; find out why. Why the bond was so weak on his end and find out his story, but first: make it through the meeting without anyone realizing something was wrong.

You adjusted your clothes and quickly brushed your fingers through your hair. You whisked your laptop off the desk and hugged it close to you. You gave a little prayer that the meeting would be quick.

What you failed to think about was the male you had crashed into.


"Who was that?" Yoongi asked as the younger walked over to him in a daze.

"Umm, I'm not sure," scratching his moppy black hair. "But hyung....."

"What?" Yoongi eyed him curiously.

"I think she's my twin flame." He stated, taking a deep breath while he glanced back to where you had run off.

"Seriously? Those are said to be extremely rare Tae, are you sure?"

"Trust me hyung, I felt it and so did she." He expressed calmly.

Both boys stared down the corridor for what felt like an eternity, when a voice suddenly broke through their confused stares.

"You guys are finally here! I've been practicing by myself for over an hour and I think I've got most of it down now." The light cheery voice exclaimed. "Are you guys ok?"

Yoongi broke out of his trance first to give Tae's shoulder a push before replying.

"Yea, yea, we're fine."

Bright eyes looked at them quizzically, not really believing the older.

"Un, let's go practice now." Taehyung said, leading the way into the dance studio. "Why don't you show us where you're at so far before the others get here."

"Ok!" His eyes turned into crescent moons when he smiled brightly before he began to dance.

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