Cry About It Later

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You can feel the vibrations from the music through your feet. You shoot back another shot. You can't tell if the cold and pain have subsided because of the alcohol you're swimming in or that it has stopped on its own. Whichever the case, it doesn't matter anymore. Because it's working.

Leaning back against the bar, your eyes scan the crowd. Thankfully no one has come up to try to talk to you, leaving you in your own misery.

The sea of dancing people catch your eye. Watching body's plastered together moving in time to the deafeningly loud music. The lights, the silhouettes, the heat coming from the dance floor, it's all mesmerizing.

Moving towards the mass as if someone else is moving for you, completely stuck in a trance you push your way into the crowd. Dodging and squeezing your way into the crowd, you stop and look up at the lights. There's glittering falling from the ceiling, lights are reflecting off them, shimmering. You reach your hand up to catch some drifting slowly down. You stare at them in your palm and smile. The music is becoming clearer, the cotton removed from your ears.

You start to sway with the music, adrenaline thumping through you as you let the beat take over. The people around you are faceless, the dim lights making it easier to block them out.

All that matters is you, the music and the golden glitter in the air.


Taehyung rushed into the bar, the older close behind him. Briefly halting at the bar, their eyes search for you. Becoming even more unstable as they can't find you. Chests breathing heavy from the sprint out of the car to this club.

You'd given them enough hints, the light festival was the biggest hint and there was only one club close enough to the riverside that you could have stumbled your way to.

"There Tae, she's there!" Yoongi grabs Taehyung's shoulder and points to the sea of people dancing. They have parted just enough for the two boys to see you dancing amongst the crowd.

Taehyung starts to stomp his way over to you, when Yoongi pulls him back.

"What are you doing?" The younger demands angrily.

"I don't think being mad at her is gonna help anything." The older contemplates, looking back over to you. For the first time since this whole ordeal, your body looks relaxed, like you've stopped plaguing yourself with thoughts of the soul bond.

"Then what?" Taehyung deflates, following Yoongi's gaze. You're smiling at the glitter floating around you, if he wasn't sober he'd think you looked celestial.

"Whatever she's feeling, she needs to feel it." He explains calmly. "So we let her feel it, but we are just here to catch her."

Taehyung nods. He can't force you home, he knows that. But he can't let you go through this alone. He looks at Yoongi and smiles.

"We need to let her know she's not alone."


Still hypnotized by the music, you close your eyes so you can truly lose yourself.

Warm hands slowly make their way onto your hips, a smile creeps across your face. They're not as blistering as Jimins, and not as hot as Taehyung, but they're warm. You know this warmth. One hand remains on your right hip, the other snaking around to your lower stomach. The wall of warmth behind you presses into your back and begins to sway slowly with you, no longer keeping up with the music. A hand lifts up your chin, this one is hotter, your smile widens. You'd know this heat anywhere. Upon contact your eyes flutter open, your twinflames face blocking your view from everything else. He smiles back at you.

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