Or More

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Listening to him talk about his life outside of Bangtan, had to be the most surreal feeling you've ever experienced. Legs crossed, blanket over his lap exuding a sense of 'familiarity', like he's meant to be here in your apartment, on the opposite end of your couch.

His over animated gestures as he recalls his antics with the other members, makes your whole being warm. There's a security in his presence, one that terrifies you but makes you so much more curious.

Tae always mentions that Jimin is like a breath of fresh air, his demeanour being light and welcoming. You have to agree, but there is so much more, so much more you want to unearth.

Yet the terrifying reality of his words still haunt you. He's nice to you because he doesn't know, these are the thoughts that keep you away. Trying to trap these dark feelings deep down and enjoy this moment. Even if it is only once.

You try to stifle a yawn, but he catches you. Looking past you he notices the clock on the wall.

"I think I should get going, you're getting sleepy." he chuckles.

You manage to mumble an 'I'm fine', while stretching your limbs. You turn your head to look at the clock.

"2am? Jimin, are you going to be ok today?" You're astounded, it was 10:30 last time you checked.

"Don't worry, I'll catch a few hours before I have to be at work." He laughs at your frazzled expression. "You don't work today right?"

"No, but I do tomorrow." You sigh. "Hopefully I'll be almost done with this place by then."

You watch him rise from the couch, arms raised above his head, his shirt lifting enough for you to catch a glimpse of his soul mark. Blushing, you quickly avert your eyes.

"If you want I can come back tomorrow to help?" He offers, as you rise from the couch to follow him. You shake of your embarrassment before he can notice.

You chew on your cheek, the thought of seeing him again so soon was tempting. Not only that, but the two of you alone? Your heart flutters and your stomach twists.

"I don't want to exhaust you Jimin." You rub your eyes, fighting off your own exhaustion.

"I really want to help y/n. Please can I come back?" He's pouting, eyes shining.

"Ok, ok. If you really want to." You sigh exasperated. Smiling when he wiggles his hands in excitement.

"I'll come by tomorrow, right after work!" He chirps heading out your door.

As the door closes behind him, your legs give out. Back to the door, you slide down until your sitting on the floor.

Anyone seeing you right now might think you're crazy. Laughing to yourself, mumbling his words over and over again to yourself. He wants to come back. It's not just you who wants this.


After that day, it was like he was everywhere. Every break he had, he would come find you. If you were still working, he would sit quietly in the same room playing with his phone.If you could break yourself away to go on break, he would go with you chatting happily.

In the back of your mind you know to keep your walls up. This man may be drawn to you, but you know the real reason for that. So you keep yourself at a distance, physically and soully. Some days are harder than others to resist the magnetism of your connection, but you've done well so far.

Taehyung's constant side-eye, with Yoongi's eye rolls made you feel overly conscious of your new 'friendship'. Everytime he would catch you blushing over something Jimin had said to you, he would nudge you in the ribs, you swatting him in response.

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