About Time

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"Tae!" Your voice laced with urgency rang across the phone.

"What's wrong Firefly?!" Panic instantly rising in his.

"Something happened. I need you." You replied nervously.

"Where are you?"

"Remember that club you and Yoongi found me in?" You question, keeping your voice an octave higher than usual.

"Yes, I'm on my way!" You can already hear him breathing heavily as his pace picks up.

"Quickly!" You beg before hanging up. A smirk plays on your lips as you place your phone back into your back pocket and turn around.

"You ready?" You ask the person in front of you, as you slide back into the booth.

"As I'll ever be." Mi Young sighs.

It had been a couple days since Jimin was with someone. You had time to digest exactly what happened, but something still nagged at you. But for now you had pushed it aside to focus on something you deemed even more important.

You contacted Mi Young the day after, instantly having a connection with your twinflames soulmate you knew you couldn't wait for them to meet. She was a strong willed, dependable, caring individual who loved to shower her friends with affection. But of course she was not only beautiful on the outside, but also on the inside.

You two had talked non stop about setting this up. Mind you, you did manage to leave out the tiny detail that he is Kim Taehyung of BTS. Something you could use as an inside joke later on.

So tonight, here you were with Mi Young and the rest of your group at the club she works at. A couple of dancers from HYBE, another producer and 3 PA's. Thankfully all who she had warmed up to, but not recognized.

While she sits next to you in a dark booth in the back, her leg is constantly bouncing. You scan the front entrance for your twinflame, feeling his emotions rising. Low and behold he bolts into the club with Yoongi in tow.

"Here we go." You smile at Mi Young, giving her a smile and her thigh a squeeze before standing up from the booth.

Walking towards the open space you wave your arm over your head catching their attention. Both rushing over to you through the sea of people.

"Firefly, are you ok? What's going on?" Taehyung pants, struggling to breathe again.

"I'm ok Tae, I have someone I need you to meet." You smile at him, fluffy his hair and moving it out of his eyes.

"Who?" He asks worriedly, eyes widening at you.

You side step out of the way, winking at Yoongi as you turn.

"Taehyung, this-" You gesture to the girl that had followed you out of the booth and had hid behind you. "Is Mi Young. Mi Young this is my twinflame Taehyung."

You gesture to him and take a step back to give them room, slightly bumping into Yoongi's left side as you do.

You watch as the two soulmates make eye contact, light reflects in their eyes as they go through the soul journey together.

"You planned this." Yoongi whispers into your ear, not a question but more of an understanding of your underhandedness. You giggle and grab his hand.

"C'mon." Pulling him towards the booth, letting the two have their moment uninterrupted. Sliding back into the booth Yoongi now sitting next to you, you both order drinks from the waitress currently at the table.

5 minutes later you receive 2 messages. One from your twinflame and one from his soulmate.

'We're going to go outside for a walk, to talk. Thank you Firefly. I love you.' - Taehyung.

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