Stars - Ending 1/3

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"Tae!" Jimin screeches over the phone. Lungs burning as he sprints down block after block to get back to the dorms.

"What?" Taehyungs voice booms back, his gut was telling him something was wrong a while ago but he had brushed it off.

"Where is y/n?" He pants desperately.

"Um, she said she had a phone call to take, but I don't know where she is now. Why?" Taehyung notices the panic in Jimin's voice, realizing something is seriously wrong, it wasn't just his gut acting up. "Why JIMIN?"

"You need to find her please! I'm so stupid, Tae, you need to find her." He sobs over the phone, still running, pace never faltering. "She's my soulmate! PLEASE FIND HER."

Taehyung springs to his feet, he looks around wildly at his soulmate and members.

"Does anyone know where Y/N went?!" He practically yells at them.

"No, what's going on?" Jin jumps in the kitchen.

"Jimin, we'll find her, just get here." He barks before hanging up his phone and yeeting it onto the couch.

"Wha-" Hoseok starts.

Taehyung makes eye contact with Yoongi, compelling his hyung to understand the urgency.

"He knows." Eyes as wide as they can get, Yoongi stands up.

"Guys, everyone split up!" Yoongi takes over. "We need to find her NOW."

Everyone eyes each other, confusion running deep. They didn't have time for this.

"MOVE IT!" He screams. Everyone breaks into action.


Eyes fluttering slightly open, all you see is gold dust. It could be regular dust in the air, catching the light of the lamps above you, but you can't quite tell. Warmth radiates through your body and you feel content with lying there forever. Something twitches against your left palm, you give into curiosity as your eyes crack open a little more over to your side. There appears to be a figure hunched over your bed, sleeping by its side, hand in yours. The warm fog makes it hard to clearly see who it is, but the gold dust swirls delicately around them. The warmth in your hand, the gold dust... you know this warmth.

As your haze lulls back over you, you hear shuffling. The hand in yours tightens, and you force yourself through the fog. Eyes rolling open, the figure is above you. Fuzzy in your view, their mouth is moving, but you hear nothing. The gold dust hovers over them as you begin to focus just enough.

Reaching up your right hand, you place a palm against the soft warm cheek, heat flows into your hand. Glistening, large eyes stare back at you, dark circles hanging underneath. You can barely see them. Your eyes travel to the moving mouth, plush lips that look like they have been chewed on relentlessly continue in vain.

"I know this face..." Your weak attempt at speaking, stilling the moving mouth.

Making eye contact once again, you feel a faint pull. A tug really, of threads you thought were lost. Warmth tickling your heart. Galaxies shone in these eyes.

"I know these stars." You say again, a soft smile appearing on your face.

His soft, angelic voice finally pierces through the clouds in your ears.

"And I know you, my soulmate." Jimin sings, resting his forehead to yours as tears silently slip out of his closed eyes, down his face.

Breathing in deeply, warm air enters your body, it begins to thaw your icy lungs. A wave of heat rolls over your body, rushing through you, into your every limb, every appendage, every vein, every molecule. You feel a jolt through your body, pulling back slightly you look at him, confusion etched in your face. He lets out a deep breathe, slowly opens his eyes're gone.

No longer are you in your hospital bed, but in the center of of a mirrored disk, floating in what looked like galaxies. These were the planets and stars you had seen so many months prior, the celestial bodies looking stoic as they shone from a distance. You look around confused, then you notice it.

On the outer edge of the disk, walking straight towards you is a figure. The end of a swirling golden thread loops its way over to the figure, disappearing into its chest. You follow the golden tether with your eyes, finally noticing its other end.

You. You are the other end, the golden strand leads directly into your chest. You stare at it in bewilderment, its warm, the warmth you've been trying to find for so long. It's pulsing with heat.

You're brain still laced with the fog of before, you can't comprehend what exactly is happening. A luminescent hand grasps under your chin, lifting you to face the figure. Eyes locking with the childlike face in front of you.

"Sorry, I took so long." Jimin smiles at you before wrapping you in his arms. You are engulfed by heat. Your body finally regulating to a normal body temperature. All sense of cold now completely gone. The disk below shines bright, too bright as your whisked away, back to your hospital room.

You stare at him from your bed, eyes wide. Lost in all that just happened.

"There's no amount of apologizing I can do, you don't have to forgive me. But please know, I've really thought about this. I want it to be you. I'm sorry I've been so blind and ignorant and selfish and a complete idiot. If you give me this chance I promise to make it up to you, I'll spend the rest of my existence making you happy." Words continue to tumble from his mouth, all lost in the only thought screaming at you loudly in your mind. With every sound of his voice, the last of the cold lingering in you recedes. Till only your toes are frostbitten.

"Did you.....accept..." Your breath hitches, as you feel a warm tear escape your eyes.

"Yes." He breathes, cupping your face in his hands. "I choose you."

Finally you are able to feel your toes again.

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