Her Side

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Silence envelopes the two men, sitting in the darkened company car.

With this new piece of information rattling in their minds, they were reluctant to leave the office. They hadn't spoken to each other once they'd left you in the studio.

"She's hurting, hyung." Taehyung eventually breaks the silence.

"Nn." Was the only reply.

"He's hurting her... and he doesn't even know it" The younger says, mostly to himself.


"What are we going to do?" Turning to face his hyung.

"I honestly don't know." Yoongi sighs. "It's frustrating. He's so lucky to have her"

"But he's hurting her" Taehyung restates.

"He doesn't know it's her." Yoongi counters

"Maybe if he did, he'd stop..." Taehyung thinks out loud.

"We promised. You of all people can't break that promise." Yoongi shuts down immediately.

Taehyung lets out an exasperated sigh, slouching further in his seat. He resumed staring out the window, mumbling to himself.

"Yea, we promised........... we promised not to tell him." His face lights up when he comes to the realization of what exactly they had promised to you. "If he comes face to face with her. Interacted with her I'm sure he will realize"

"And how do you plan to do that?" Yoongi says, shaking off the younger's hand. "She already avoids the other boys like the plague."

"What if we talk to Bang? Ask her to work on the next single with us?" The younger explains further.

"You don't think she'd suspect us having a hand in that?" Yoongi responds unsure.

"Namjoon-hyung and Hobi-hyung have been dying to work with her. This time, if they bring it up, we just say it's a good idea!" Taehyung exclaims definitively.

"I don't know. " The older, still uncertain of y/n's reaction.

"Please - hyung," Taehyung begs "I can't see her hurt anymore. Knowing all those 'stomachaches', convulsions, panic attacks are actually because of the soulmate bond, I can't sit back and do nothing."

Sitting in silence, Yoongi thinks back to all those times you kicked them out of the studio because you 'weren't feeling well'. Now he was realizing just how much you had downplayed the pain you were in.

Yoongi himself never received a soulmate tattoo, so he didn't completely understand the extent that you were going through. However, his gut was telling him there was more to it.

"Ok. I'll do it, but if anything goes wrong, I'm stepping in." Yoongi says finally. "I'll take her side."

"I know hyung." Taehyung sighs with relief. "Thank you"

The rest of the ride home was met with silence once again.

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