Truth Untold

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Laughter bounces off the walls of the recording studio. Both you and Jin are doubled over in a failing attempt to stop laughing. Your fits of laughter worsen with each glance up at Namjoon . You were crying and wheezing, unable to catch your breath. Jin wasn't faring much better. Namjoon however, was still sitting in his chair facing you two with a look of embarrassment mixed with confusion.

In an attempt to show off his excitement for the track you had worked on and the mix with Jin's vocals, the God of Destruction forgot he had the cordless mouse in his hand. Which ended up with him throwing it across the room, barely missing you as you ducked. The mouse shattering against the far wall on impact.

You all stood there, completely frozen until Namjoon spoke.

"I have a spare just in case this happens again."

You and Jin then looked at each other, both coming to the realization that destroying his mouse had happened before. Most likely, more than once. The thought of which then sent you both into your currently painful laughing session.

You found it a lot easier to work with Jin and Namjoon than with Yoongi and Tae. You felt at ease, no worries about having to throw yourself a 'my soulmate doesn't want me' pity party; Where you spent most of the time talking the boys out of exposing your secret, compared to actually working on tracks. With Jin and Namjoon you actually worked on tracks. You were grateful for the distraction.

You got to know the boys, finally being able to appreciate them not just as members of BTS, but as individuals. That's what spending 6 hours together in the studio would do.

You were now at the soundboard, adjusting instruments on the track, both men sitting on the couch behind you eating instant ramen.

The topic casually turns away from the track as you work, and on to more personal things.

"I met my soulmate 2 years ago." Jin explains "I met her while walking around Seoul, she had just moved back."

He goes into detail about their short "dating period" and how she was the one to demand their relationship become 'official'. He felt the same way but had been too nervous to bring it up, so of course he was super excited. He mentions his plans to propose to her after his military service.

"I met mine too" Namjoon chimes in "almost a year ago"

He had met his soulmate at an art exhibit opening night. They were both super shy about the whole thing, so they decided to take it really slow. They started as friends and then eventually went on their first date, which both parties managed to make it awkward. However once they got over that and had a good long conversation about it, they have been official for around a month.

"What about you, y/n?" Jin asks, "Do you have a soul mark?"

"Uh, yea I have one." You smile shyly.

"Can we ask what it is?" Namjoon's interest peaked.

A voice echoes in your mind, repeating those piercing words from yesterday. "Why did I have to have a soulmate? Things would be a lot easier for me if I didn't. This whole thing is stupid. I can't do anything I actually want because I 'have to be careful of my soulmate' I just want to live, Namjoon. I just want to feel."

"If it's ok with you guys, I'd rather not say." You reply, unable to come with any explanation.

You hear shuffling behind you, before one of them speaks again.

"Do you not want to meet your soulmate?" Namjoon asks quietly, making you pause mid thought.

You push back from the soundboard and spin your chair to face them.

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