Chaptet 1: Welcome to Twisted Wonderland

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Chapter 1: Welcome to Twisted Wonderland

"Ah, my dear lord."

Who's there? I tried to voice out, only to find myself that I couldn't. I couldn't move anything, not even my body— could I even feel it?

No wait, I could, but it was all covered by a black mass, all but my right hand. Why? I reached out to touch my hand but with this... place, I wasn't sure if that was even me.

"The noble and beautiful flower of evil, you are the most beautiful, number one in this world."

Ah, it was that voice. With what will I had left in me, I tried to find where the source was, only to be met with a floating mirror. What is this? I wondered, watching it go aflame with green.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the most..." The voice paused, only for a moment. "For thee, guided by the Mirror of Darkness, follow thy heart and take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror."

There it was again. Before I knew it, I found myself walking towards it. No, what am I doing— stop! I tried to move my body away. But it didn't work.

Nothing I did worked.

"Flames that turn even stars into ashes, ice that imprisons even time, great tree that swallows even the sky, don't be afraid of the power of darkness. Come now, show your power."

A flash of images flew through my mind. Carriages, horses, the night? I didn't understand— I couldn't.

But now, all I could see was a hand. One I didn't know of and yet, I could not move away. My mind was telling me 'no' and yet I kept getting closer. My only visible hand reached out.

"Mine, theirs, and yours... There's only little time left for us."

Our fingers touched.

"Do not let go of that hand, at all costs."

And in that instant— we interlocked.

The first thing that made my eyes snap open was the sound of rustling. Dark, that was the first thing I noted. A sharp intake took my lungs as my body seemed to suddenly get adrenaline. Where am I? I thought to myself. I tried to reach out or even sit up, only to meet smooth surfaces close to my body. Huh? Pressing my hands (they're both visible?) onto what seemed to be velvet, cramped space, I realized that I was incased shut. Wha— did I get kidnapped?!

"Crap! People are coming," I heard a scrawny voice from the other side. Who's that? "Gotta get those clothes... Grrrr, it's too heavy!" Hearing the source move away, I couldn't help but feel a sinking uneasiness in my chest. "Time for my secret move! Gah!"

All of the sudden, a powerful impact landed right on my box, making me tumble down from the force. "Arghh!" I called out, feeling my body fall. I couldn't do anything— I didn't even know what was going on!

I felt myself tumble out and then— blue. Blue flames were surrounding me. "What the..." my eyes widened, staring at it as I tried to pull myself up. Fire...?

"Alright then!" The same voice exclaimed, now sounding more clear. My head darted to the source, only to find myself staring at a... what was it again? The other thing I noticed was it's soul— a bright, passionate yet mischievous one to be more specific. I blinked: very contradicting. The thing seemed to be smiling— until it noticed me. "Wha— why are you awake?!"

"I don't know," I mumbled under my breath. "I don't— are those floating coffins?" Standing up, my feet led me to one of the coffins that were floating up. Like that mirror... I noted in my mind, glancing at the side to notice a freshly burnt coffin on the ground. That must've been where I was. I narrowed my eyes: could I be...?

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